The Voice of the Voiceless, Responsibility of the Media to Defend Religious Freedom
United States—USA IMAP hosted a webinar on “The Voice of the Voiceless, Responsibility of the Media to Defend Religious Freedom."
UPF-Central America Holds Webinar on The Universal Right to Religious Freedom
UPF-Central America—A panel of leaders met in a webinar to discuss the theme: “The Universal Right to Religious Freedom as the Foundation for a World Culture of Peace.”
The Washington Brief: Challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the 118th Congress
Washington, DC, USA—The Washington Brief episode on December 6, 2022 focused on “Challenges in the Indo-Pacific for the 118th Congress.”
USA-IMAP Webinar: Dangun to Hallyu: The Cultural Contributions of the Korean People
USA-IMAP—“Dangun to Hallyu” is the first in a series of historical inquiries produced by IMAP to examine the cultural contributions of the Korean people.
UPF-Australia Commemorates International Day of Peace
Melbourne, Australia—To commemorate the UN International Day of Peace, UPF-Australia held an online event on the theme for this year’s Day, “End Racism. Build Peace.”
Values Education Summit Held in Australia
Melbourne, Australia—UPF in Australia held its second Values Education Summit of 2022, which featured speakers from the Australian Parents Council.
UPF-Russia Webinar Discusses Arctic Transport Routes
Moscow, Russia—A UPF webinar discussed the potential of Arctic transport routes to connect East Asia with Europe.
EUME Webinar Proposes ‘Win-Win’ Korea Solution
Europe and the Middle East—Speakers at a UPF webinar suggested trade as a way to bring the two Koreas closer.
IAAP-USA Holds Webinar: “Challenges Amid Success in South Korea”
USA—The second webinar hosted by the International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAPP) focused on South Korea.
UPF Represented at Side Meeting of UNODC Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 2022
UPF International—Dr. Thomas G. Walsh advocated for the involvement of faith leaders in reducing crime and violence.
Asia Pacific Celebrates International Day of Families
Bangkok, Thailand—The opening session of UPF’s 12th Asia Pacific Leadership Conference celebrated the UN International Day of Families 2022.
UPF-Australia Seminar Commemorates International Day of Families
Melbourne, Australia—The UN International Day of Families was commemorated at UPF-Australia’s second peacebuilding seminar of 2022.
UPF-USA's IMAP Webinar Discusses Prospects for Establishing a UN Regional Office in Korea
United States—A webinar, “Expectations for a United Nations Regional Office on the Korean Peninsula,” was held on April 26, 2022.
UPF-Russia Holds Volunteer Week Webinar
Moscow, Russia—UPF-Russia held a webinar in honor of an annual volunteer project that is popular in Russia.
UPF-Australia Peace Seminar Explores Solutions to Global Challenges
Melbourne, Australia—UPF-Australia held its first peacebuilding seminar of 2022 on “‘Head-Wing:’ Meeting Global Challenges Together, Beyond Religious and Ideological Divides.”
UPF-Central America and Caribbean Program on “The Impact of Religion in World Affairs: Peace and Freedom in Ukraine”
UPF Central America and the Caribbean—UPF-Central America and the Caribbean held an IAPD webinar: “The Impact of Religion in World Affairs: Peace and Freedom in Ukraine.”
UPF-Australia Convenes IAAP Values Education Summit Series
Melbourne, Australia—UPF-Australia’s Values Education Summit series continued in 2022 with a summit held in February.
UPF and Al Liqa Center Co-Sponsor Webinar on Freedom of Thought and Belief
The Middle East—Academics and experts from diverse fields discussed freedom of thought and belief.
UPF and Al Liqa' Webinar: Feb.25th Bios
Bios of the Speakers of the Webinar Freedom of Thought and Belief: Theological, Philosophical, Political and Sociological Perspectives. 25 February 2022, Friday
16:00-19:00 Jerusalem ⁕ 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM New York
UPF-Portugal Joins with UPF-Angola for Think Tank 2022 Program
Luanda, Angola—UPF-Portugal participated in a Think Tank 2022 event held in Angola.