Ukraine Youth Ambassadors Mark International Day of Peace
Kyiv, Ukraine—UPF celebrated International Day of Peace 2020 together with a congress of Youth Ambassadors for Peace.
UPF-Argentina Celebrates UN International Day of Peace with Awards for Outstanding Poetry
Buenos Aires, Argentina— The Award Ceremony for the Ninth International Poetry Contest, organized by UPF-Argentina, had the theme “Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values.”
Premiación en Día Internacional de la Paz intercultural-interreligioso
Buenos Aires, Argentina—La entrega de los premios del IX Concurso Poético Internacional organizado por UPF Argentina con el lema “Interdependencia, prosperidad mutua y valores universales”, fue el marco de la celebración del Día Internacional de la Paz 2020, el 23 de septiembre, vía zoom.
UPF-Uruguay Holds Webinar to Commemorate UN International Day of Peace
Uruguay—Looking at the topic “Shaping Peace Together,” UPF-Uruguay’s webinar took the theme “Four Women, Four Glances, Four Paths in the Search for Social Peace.”
International Day of Peace Observed in Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia—A famous international security expert spoke about China’s relations with the world.
Australia Commemorates International Day of Peace with Virtual Conference
Melbourne, Australia—UPF-Australia commemorated the International Day of Peace 2020 by co-organizing a one-day virtual conference, which was attended by 152 participants.
Central American Region Holds Webinar to Commemorate UN International Day of Peace
Costa Rica—On September 21, 2020, UPF-Central America and the Caribbean held a webinar with the theme "International Day of Peace: Let's Realize a World of Sustainable Peace With Mutual Interdependence."
Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations Continues Its Online Discussion of Spirituality and Justice
United States—On September 15, 2020, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations held a web conference titled “The Role of Ethics, Education and Good Governance for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Perspectives from Faith-Based Organizations.”
UPF-Argentina Honors Centenary Year of UPF Co-Founder
Buenos Aires, Argentina—A special “Honoring a Peace Legacy” Zoom meeting took place on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s passing to the spiritual realm.
“Honrando un legado de Paz” 8° Aniversario - Año centenario
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Un encuentro especial de “Honrando un legado de Paz” tuvo lugar el 14 de septiembre, por zoom, con lectura de pensamientos del cofundador de la UPF, Sun Myung Moon, con motivo del octavo aniversario de su pasaje al plano espiritual.
ILC Americas Session 3: Strengthening Ties in the Americas Through Building New Bridges and Opportunities to Increase Mutual Cooperation
The Americas—Leaders in the hemisphere’s governments addressed solutions for the many problems that the coronavirus pandemic has brought to the life, society, economy and government of every person in the Americas.
The Family is Focus of UPF-Argentina’s Monthly Meeting
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“The Family and the Common Good” was the theme of UPF-Argentina’s monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting on Zoom, with more than 40 connections.
Panel “Familia y bien común”: Reunión de Embajadores para la Paz
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“Familia y bien común” fue el tema de la reunión mensual de Embajadores para la Paz del 9 de septiembre 2020, por la plataforma zoom, con más de 40 conexiones.
UPF-Portugal Holds Online Interreligious Forum
Lisbon, Portugal—The forum, with the theme “The Universal Identity of God,” was the first of a planned cycle of meetings.
UPF Celebrates Teachers’ Day in India
New Delhi, India—In celebration of Teacher’s Day 2020 in India, UPF and the IAAP convened a “Peace Talks” webinar on the theme, “Saluting the Role of Teachers in the COVID Era.”
International Media Association for Peace Inaugurated in Peru
Lima, Peru—On September 2, 2020, UPF-Peru organized the Inaugural Assembly of the International Media Association for Peace (IMAP)-Peru. The online conference had more than 170 attendees.
IAPP-Argentina’s Webinar Discusses Education and Values
Buenos Aires, Argentina—"Education and Values: Suggestions and Challenges for the Day After” was the theme of a panel of parliamentarians.
Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations Continues Webinar Series with Program on Prevention of Violence
United States—The Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations held a web conference titled “Faith-Based Organizations, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: How Can Faith Leaders Save Lives?”
Community Leaders in Australia Hold Consultations on COVID-19
Melbourne, Australia—Community leaders in Australia have been having weekly online consultations on how to support students and families during COVID-19, hosted by UPF.
UPF-Argentina Continues Its Monthly Zoom Meetings for Ambassadors for Peace
Buenos Aires, Argentina——“Leadership and Cooperation” was the theme of the panel at UPF-Argentina’s August Ambassadors for Peace meeting.