UPF Continues Its Zoom Series in Its 18th Session
Buenos Aires, Argentina——“Love All Creation” was the theme of UPF-Argentina’s 18th Reading and Reflection series, “Honoring a Peace Legacy.”
International Youth Day Observed in India
New Delhi, India—A webinar on “COVID-19 and Our Youth” was organized by UPF in partnership with the Youth and Students for Peace to mark the International Youth Day.
Webinar on Criminal Justice and Incarceration Features Faith Leaders and Criminologists
United States—The Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations held a web conference titled “Humane Treatment of Presently Incarcerated People.”
U.K. Teens Become Youth Ambassadors for Peace
Birmingham, United Kingdom—UPF concluded a summer program in which local teenagers earned the title of Youth Ambassadors for Peace.
UPF-India ‘Peace Talks’ Continue with Focus on Education
Sikkim State, India—UPF-India held a second webinar on the pandemic’s effect on education, organized by the country’s chapter in Sikkim state
UPF-India Hosts ‘Peace Talks’ on COVID-19’s Impact on Education
New Delhi, India—Indian academicians joined UPF and the IAAP for a ‘Peace Talks’ webinar on COVID-19’s impact on education in India.
Indian Parliamentarians Examine COVID-19 Situation
New Delhi, India—Seven current parliamentarians from India examined the COVID-19 situation in the country in a ‘Peace Talks’ webinar organized by the IAPP.
UPF Central America and Caribbean Region Convenes "Peace Talks" Webinar
Costa Rica—UPF-Central America and the Caribbean held a Peace Talks webinar with panelists from the regional Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) on the topic “Challenges and Opportunities for Faith Communities in the Aftermath of Covid-19.”
Balkans Peace Initiative Features Former Heads of State
London, United Kingdom—The former presidents of Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo addressed a UPF webinar.
Faith-Based Webinar Takes Up Topic of Justice
UPF International, New York— On July 28, 2020, the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations held a web conference titled “In Search of Social Justice: Criminal Justice Reform and the Restoration of Solidarity and Trust in our Communities.”
UPF-Central America and the Caribbean Hosts Webinar Attracting Participants From 19 Countries
Costa Rica—On the evening of July 25, 2020, UPF-Central America and the Caribbean held a web conference titled “The Central America in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities Facing Government and Civil Society Leaders.”
‘Role and Future of Youth’ Webinar Draws Over 1,000 Participants
New Delhi, India—Around 1,400 people participated in a webinar on the role and future of youth co-hosted by the Youth and Students for Peace and a university in India.
UPF Supports the Philippines’ Comprehensive Character Education Initiative
Manila, Philippines—UPF-Philippines has issued a joint statement in support of a character education initiative that was recently signed into law in the country.
UPF-India ‘Peace Talks’ Program Discusses Management of the COVID-19 Crisis
New Delhi, India—A “Peace Talks” webinar organized by UPF-India discussed the management of the COVID-19 crisis in the world’s second most populous country.
UPF-Asia Pacific Convenes ISCP ‘Virtual Summit’
Manila, Philippines—The “Virtual Summit” featured keynotes from eight current and former heads of state and five first ladies, and has been watched by more than 938,000 viewers in 106 nations.
Czech Webinar Honors Parliamentarianism
Prague, Czech Republic—Two distinguished panelists spoke at a UPF online conference to mark the International Day of Parliamentarianism.
UPF-Argentina’s Monthly Zoom Meeting Discusses the Arts and Sports as Promoters of Peace
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Peace Culture was the theme of the panel that took place at UPF’s monthly Ambassadors for Peace meeting.
Jewish Leader Speaks of His Path as a Peacemaker
St. Petersburg, Russia—The spiritual leader, who is also a sports coach and mentor, recalled his interethnic and interreligious activities.
UPF-Peru’s Ambassadors for Peace Live for the Sake of Others During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lima, Peru—When the lockdown started in Peru in March, UPF-Peru started organizing activities of solidarity to aid low-income families.
UPF-Russia Considers Lessons Learned from Covid 19 Pandemic
Moscow, Russia—The world after coronavirus was the topic of an online conference attended by 70 people from different cities of Russia.