Kiev, Ukraine - A meeting of Ambassadors for Peace was organized in Kiev on March 20. At first, a report about World Summit 2013 that took place in Korea was heard. Everybody was touched by the advancements in intercultural and interfaith dialogue in the global community and by the scale of UPF's peacemaking activities.
Everybody was excited by the announcement of the new UN commemorative day, the Global Day of Parents (UN Resolution A/RES/66/292) to be observed annually on June 1. Although the International Day of Families and Mothers' Day already exist, everybody felt the urgent necessity for Parents’ Day. There should be a special day for appreciating and honoring one's parents, a day for expressing love to them. They are people who bring us to this world and who shape our future. The genuine love, selfless efforts, and sacrificial nature of parents is to do everything for their children so that they can become happy people. Participants suggested focusing on this during UPF's annual conference in October and holding consultations in the Supreme Council of Ukraine to have the day declared a national holiday.
Also at that meeting Kovganych Galyna Grygorivna and Yermakov Ivan Gnatovych, who head the Educational Department of UPF, suggested that representatives of Federation address an upcoming conference by the Institute of Innovative Technologies at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, promoting service and living for the sake of others as ways of preparing for future responsibilities as parents.
Syedykh Yuriy Ivanovych, Head of the Department of Cooperation with the United Nations, and Afanasyev Borys Anatoliyovych were inspired by the idea of intercultural and interfaith cooperation and discussed ways to promote the proposal for an interfaith peace council at the UN.
[UPF-Ukraine promoted the Global Day of Parents in Kiev with activities on Khreshatik Street on June 1.]
For more information about UPF-Ukraine, visit their website here.