Abuja, Nigeria - UPF-Nigeria organized a commemoration of the Global Day of Parents on June 1 in collaboration with the Family Federation for World Peace, Youth Federation for World Peace, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles.

An interactive convocation at the UPF Peace Embassy in Abuja brought together 50 participants, including four new UPF Ambassador for Peace. The National Coordinator, UPF, Nigeria, Dr. George C. Ikpot, commented that:

“From the perspective of the Universal Peace Federation, the UN Global Day of Parents is a milestone in the world's apex body. The UN declaration of the Global Parents Day signifies a positive transformation agenda and will consolidate the UN's quest to balance human rights concerns.”

It was also noted by participants that a number of observers of UN activities are already expressing hope that the UN is taking seriously the issue of the family as the foundation and basis for global peace and a harmonious world. They noted that the Global Day of Parents recognizes and celebrates the universal significance of parenthood and the value of parent/child relationship, the ideal of family union and harmony as the real condition and foundation for a peaceful society, nation and world.

The program featured Interactive discussion on parenting and family issues based on the keynote lecture presented by Rev. George M. Ogurie, the Vice President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, titled: “Parental Love – The Highest Stage in the School of Love.”

Ogurie emphasized that, “Being a parent is the noblest and most unselfish position, just like God. Rare is the parent who would not sacrifice his or her life for the sake of their child. Having children is a life-altering experience, calling forth moral strength to end destructive lifestyles and become responsible role models to their children. Parenting challenges people as nothing else to be sacrificial, patient, forgiving—in short, to develop a love that more closely resembles the love of God.” He further spoke about the realms of heart experienced throughout the stages of life, as a child, sibling, spouse, and parent.:

New Ambassadors for Peace

At the end of the discussions four distinguished Nigerians were honored as Ambassadors for Peace: The Secretary General of UPF-Nigeria, Mr. Olaleye Alao, inducted the new Ambassadors for Peace, and presented them with Ambassador for Peace Appointment:

1.      Hon. Ehime Kenneth Isibor, the founder of Ehos Green Aid Trust – whose activities are dedicated to the green society campaign, education for good conduct, civil society support, community development, and entrepreneurial education. They are also very dedicated to anti-malaria campaign and malaria prevention products, malaria prevention seminars, and distribution of food supplies to the less-privileged communities.

2.      Prince David A. Anegbode contributes to the uplifting of life of the down-trodden wherever his business takes him.

3.      Mr. Bright A. Ogoh supports less-privileged families in his community. He is currently assisting several youth in financing their tuition in several institutions of learning.

4.      Mr. Rabboni J. Jacob

Report written by Dr. George C. Ikpot, National Coordinator, UPF-Nigeria

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