Amsterdam, Netherlands - UPF-Netherlands supported and celebrated the UN Global Day of Parents together with the affiliated Amsterdam Family Federation for World Peace and Unification on June 2. The Family Federation president, Hans Campman, expressed an interest in doing more to celebrate that day next year. A group photo was taken of those who enjoyed refreshments and fellowship.

On Saturday, June 1, the actual date of this new UN Day, UPF-Netherlands Secretary General Wim Koetsier attended the yearly congress of YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) in the Netherlands. A week before, he had mentioned to the secretary general of the YMCA that June 1 was the first time that the UN Global Day of Parents would be observed. During the June 1 meeting, the president mentioned that it was the UN Global Day of Parents, adding that the YMCA was like a family and none of them would not be there without parents.

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