Oujda, Morocco - World Interfaith Harmony Week seeks to spread the message of harmony and tolerance among the followers of all the world’s religions, faiths and beliefs. It seeks to do this by promoting their common basis of "Love of God and Love of the Neighbor, or Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbor." Its message includes everyone, excludes no one, and is purely voluntary.
Youth for Peace invited many religious and spiritual leaders to a meeting at the Moulay Slimane Fondation to celebrate the second World Interfaith Harmony Week. We celebrated by gathering together and strengthening our ties, sharing news of our interfaith activities and our future plans. It was an occasion for meeting new friends and creating new partnerships.
Youth for Peace, the Jordanian Ambassador in Morocco Dr. Abderrahim Hassan, La ligue universelle unie des nobles descendents du prophet, the Zawiya of boudchich in Madagh, the church of Oujda, and La Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas were partners in this special event
Zakaria El hamel
UPF Ambassador for Peace
United Relegions Initiative Ambassador (Middle East/North Africa Region)
Director of the World Peace Festival
Oujda, Morocco