World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021
- Written by: Keijo Mikkanen, secretary general, UPF-Finland
Helsinki, Finland—UPF co-hosted a webinar with an English-language online TV channel for migrants.
- Written by: Franco Ravaglioli, secretary general, UPF-Italy
Rome, Italy—Building bridges between faith traditions was the theme of a webinar co-sponsored by UPF.
- Written by: Mykhailo Ilin, secretary general, UPF-Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine—UPF-Ukraine co-sponsored an international webinar titled "Interreligious and Cultural Harmony."
- Written by: UPF-Peru
Peru—On February 12, 2021, Peru’s chapter of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) celebrated UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021, with the main theme “Building Bridges Across Boundaries.”
- Written by: UPF-Japan
Tokyo, Japan—World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 was commemorated in Japan at the 113th Inter-Religious Forum, hosted virtually by UPF and the IAPD.
- Written by: Dr. Juraj Lajda, president, UPF-Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic—For World Interfaith Harmony Week, the Czech and Slovak UPF chapters held a webinar together.
- Written by: Dr. Sérgio Vieira, president, UPF-Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal—Six religious leaders spoke at a UPF webinar celebrating the UN observance.
- Written by: Jean-François Moulinet, vice president of UPF-France
Paris, France—An interreligious conference was held online under the theme “Hospitality of Abraham.”
- Written by: Edina Zsolcsak-Dimitrova, president, FFWPU-Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria—The UN observance was commemorated with a daily online reading of the UPF founder’s words.
- Written by: UPF-Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal—UPF-Nepal held a second program to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week, a “Peace Talks” webinar on the role of academicians in advancing peace.
- Written by: UPF-Brazil
Brazil—The International Association for Peace and Development in Brazil held the program “World Interfaith Harmony Week: Building Bridges Beyond the Frontiers, looking to a unified world of peace under God.
- Written by: Matías Sayavedra, UPF-Argentina
Paraná, Argentina—Under the theme “Building Bridges Across Borders,” UPF-Argentina planted a tree at the Martin Fierro Park.
- Written by: Peter Haider, President, UPF-Austria
Vienna, Austria—UPF-Austria held a webinar titled “Interfaith Cooperation as a Basis for Social Cohesion.”
- Written by: Vitaly Maksimov, chairman, UPF-Belarus
Minsk, Belarus—UPF representatives took part in two interfaith prayer meetings to mark the United Nations’ observance.
- Written by: UPF-Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal—World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 and the inaugural International Day of Human Fraternity were celebrated in Nepal with a forum.
- Written by: Steinar Murud, secretary general, UPF-Norway
Oslo, Norway—UPF held an interfaith webinar with the theme “Building Bridges across Boundaries.”