World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014
For a PowerPoint overview of UPF observances, click here.
- Written by: UPF International
The King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week Prizes were awarded on April 27, 2014 to organizers of events in the Philippines, India, Egypt and Uganda.
- Written by: UPF International
An overview of observances of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014 organized by UFP in 23 nations.
- Written by: UPF - Washington DC
Washington DC, USA - The World Interfaith Harmony Week program in Washington DC on Feb. 27 featured speakers sharing their life experiences and spoke of their deep convictions about the importance of interfaith dialogue among different religious leaders as a means towards building world peace.
- Written by: UPF - Japan
Tokyo, Japan - “Towards peace in the Middle East through harmonizing and cooperation among religions” was a topic of the Feb. 21, 2014 assembly of Ambassadors of Peace in Tokyo, organized by the UPF Japan with some 50 Ambassadors for Peace and young people attending.
- Written by: UPF Office of UN Relations-New York
United Nations, New York - World Interfaith Harmony Week was celebrated at the UN Trusteeship Council chamber on Feb. 12, 2014, with the theme "A Vital Key for Peace and Development."
- Written by: UPF - Brazil
São Paulo, Brazil - World Interfaith Harmony Week was celebrated at the São Paulo Municipal Chamber, on Feb. 10, with the support of City Councillor Gilberto Natalini and the interfaith group of the Paulistanos Movement for Peace.
- Written by: Sudesh G. Balasubramaniam, UPF - Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - An observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014 took place at the Malaysia Peace Embassy on Feb. 9.
- Written by: Report by Hubert Arnoldi, UPF & House of Religions, Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany - The UPF community center in Stuttgart hosted a celebration of the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on Feb. 8, 2014.
- Written by: UPF - Colombia
Bogota, Colombia - World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014 was observed with visits to various religious communities in Bogota.
- Written by: UPF - Russia
Conferences, seminars and visits to places of worship of various faiths took place in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.
- Written by: UPF International
UPF and its network of Ambassadors for Peace celebrated UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2014 with programs at UN offices, UPF peace embassies and a variety of places of worship.
- Written by: Geoffrey Fyers, UPF-New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand - For World Interfaith Harmony Week last year UPF invited leaders of diverse faith communities to the Peace Embassy to share readings from their holy scriptures on the theme of “interfaith harmony.”
- Written by: UPF - Philippines
Manila, Philippines - In support of UN World Interfaith Harmony Week, UPF-Philippines organized a program on Feb. 7 at the UPF Peace Embassy in Manila in which prayers from many traditions were read.
- Written by: UPF - Moldova
Chisinau, Moldova - Galata Middle School has a very active group of teachers who are Ambassadors for Peace, who in observance of the UN Interfaith Harmony Week invited families with children to a sport competition on Feb. 7, 2014.
- Written by: Peter Haider, Secretary General, UPF-Austria
Vienna, Austria - An observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week took place at the Vienna International Center on Feb. 7, 2014 on the theme of the Role of Religions in Promoting a Culture of Peace.
- Written by: UPF - Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina - World Interfaith Harmony Week was observed at the UPF Peace Embassy in Buenos Aires on Feb. 6. The theme was "Peace in Syria, the Middle East and the World."