Nicaragua-2018-02-03-World Interfaith Harmony Week Observed in Nicaragua

Managua, Nicaragua—In observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2018, UPF-Nicaragua held a forum on February 3 at Paulo Freire University (Universidad Paulo Freire) in Managua, the country’s capital. Fifty-five people, including representatives of different faiths, educators, students and the general public, attended the event.

Among the faith representatives were Dr. Akiva Simja of the Chabad Synagogue in Managua (Jewish); Imam Abu Bakr Abdala of the Islam Mosque in Managua (Muslim); Rev. Alfredo Joiner, pastor of the Central Office of the Moravian Church of Managua (Protestant); Father George David Porter, pastor of the Catholic Episcopal Church; Brahmana priest Ramai Das, leader of the Hare Krishna Congregation of Nicaragua; Rev. Herling Hernández of the Roman Catholic Church and vicar of the Archdiocese of Managua; and Rev. Jorge de Oliveira, president of the Family Federation for Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in Nicaragua (Unificationism).

Each spoke for about 10 minutes on the theme, “Tolerance and the Promotion of Values.”

The forum concluded with a Water of Life Ceremony, in which each faith representative prayed and then poured water into the same vessel as a symbol of sharing the same truths, from the same source, the one true God.

Afterwards, everyone enjoyed refreshments.

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