Argentina—Twelve representatives of different religions and worldviews from different Argentinian cities and provinces offered a message in support of the 2022 World Interfaith Harmony Week (1), by invitation of IAPD and UPF-Argentina. The messages were shared through social networks from February 1st to 7th, 2022 (2)
The idea was to share a video message related to World Interfaith Harmony, considering “the importance of dialogue, cooperation and interreligious action for Peace; the importance of good daily spiritual nourishment for inner strength and solidity and integral health, to face these challenging times, in moments where it is also transcendental to highlight values such as freedom, solidarity, fraternity, and hope.”
Responses were received from the Catholic community: Monsignor Ramón Alfredo Dus, archbishop of Resistencia’s Archdiocese, Province of Chaco; presbyters Carlos White, representative of the archbishop in the Buenos Aires Archdiocese Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue Commission; Father Rafael Del Blanco, priest at Resistencia Archdiocese’s “Santísima Trinidad” Parish and member of Chaco’s Interreligious Board; and Cristina Mirabelli, member of the interreligious group “Dialogue and Coexistence,” an interreligious dialogue space in northern Buenos Aires.
Remarks were given by Agustín Marcoff, rabbinical student at the Marshall Meyer Rabbinical Seminary in Latin America and lecturer in charge of the Jewish community in La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires; and Imam Marwan Gill, president of the Ahmadía Muslim community in Argentina.
A message from the Sikh Dharma community in Argentina was given by Inderveer Kaur, representative of IAPD-Argentina; from the Baha’i community by Graciela Páez Báez, from External Affairs of the Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is in Argentina, Province of San Juan; and Rosalía Gutiérrez, representative of the Kolla people.
A video message was sent by Swami Purnabodhananda, from Ramakrishna Ashrama Argentina; Guillermo Pitarch, priest at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, director of Public Affairs and Communication for Argentina; and Gustavo Libardi, president of Scientology Church Argentina.
Interreligious dialogue and cooperation, with gestures of fraternity and service, are the foundation of the global work and mission of UPF, now promoted through IAPD and other entities. In Argentina, it is one of the seven lines of action, creating different initiatives every year (3).
It is worth recalling that Buenos Aires was declared in 2016 “City of Interreligious Dialogue” by the Legislature of its capital, by Law No. 5.556 (4). Thus, Argentina and the region are a global reference for interreligious dialogue.
1) The World Interfaith Harmony Week was established in 2010 by the UN General Assembly (Resolution A/RES/65/5), which “Reaffirms that mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue constitute important dimensions of a culture of peace.” For that reason, it “encourages all States to support, on a voluntary basis, the spread of the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship during that week, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions.”
Text source:
2) Supporting messages of 2022:
Message by presbyter Carlos White:
Message by Swami Purnabodhananda:
Message by Inderveer Kaur:
Message by Rosalía Gutiérrez:
Message by Gustavo Libardi:
Message by Graciela Páez Báez:
Message by Imán Marwan Gill:
Message by Guillermo Pitarch:
Message by presbyter Rafael Del Blanco:
Message by Mons. Ramón Alfredo Dus:
Message by Cristina Mirabelli:
Message by Agustín Marcoff:
3) World Interfaith Harmony Week – UPF-Argentina:
Presentation of IAPD-Argentina 2020:
Review on the 2021 “Interreligious Dialogue and Good Practices” Series - IAPD/UPF/YSP:
4) Law on declaration of Buenos Aires as a “City of Interreligious Dialogue”: