1) National Anthem
Children's Ecumenical Choir – Legion of Good Will
2) Official Opening
Alencar Burti – President of the Federation of the Commercial Associations of Brazil, of the State of São Paulo and the City of São Paulo
3) Welcoming Remarks
Father Carlos Alberto Contieri
4) Songs
Voices of the Way Choir
5) Words from Civil Society
José Maria Chapina Alcazar
Miguel Giorgi
João Bico
6) UNESCO Representative
Reading of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon´s speech on the International Day of Peace
7) Human Rights City Commission Representative José Gregory
Reading of the Message of the State Secretary of Justice and Defense of the Citizenship – Dr. Luiz Antônio Guimarães Marrey
José Roberto Bellintani – São Paulo Institute Against Violence
8) Norma Burti – General Coordinator of the Women's Council of the Commercial Association of São Paulo
9) Awards - "Mark of Peace"
José Maria Chapina Alcazar – President of SESCON and AESCON
Silvia Maria Penha de Aquino
10) Songs
Andrea Bien – Lyric singer
Distribution of the blue and white handkerchiefs
11) Messages from Civic Organizations
Santo Ivo Educational Institute - José Carlos de Barros Lima
Rotary Club of São Paulo – Barra Funda - Dalva Christofoletti Paes da Silva
12) Messages from the Public and Private Sectors
Wholesale and Distributors Abade Association of Brazil
Korean Association of Brazil, President Park Dong Soo
13) Interfaith Ceremony
With representatives of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and spiritism
14) Universal Peace Federation
Toast for Peace – by Christian and Hiroko Lepelletier
15) Closing
Drum Orchestra
Voices of Way Choir
16) International Family Youth – Distribution of Roses
To read UPF's Peace Declaration and reports of observances in other nations, click here.