United Nations International Day of Peace 2019
The United Nations set the theme for this year's observance as
"Climate Action for Peace."
- Written by: UPF-Japan
Kanagawa, Japan—To commemorate the International Day of Peace 2019, UPF-Japan, in partnership with the Youth and Students for Peace, co-organized a beach cleanup in Kanagawa prefecture.
- Written by: UPF-Marshall Islands
Majuro, Marshall Islands—The UN International Day of Peace was commemorated in the Marshall Islands with an event that was attended by two former Presidents and other guests.
- Written by: Karsten Nielsen, secretary general, UPF-Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark—An audience of about 200 attended the UPF-Denmark commemoration of UN International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF-New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand—UPF co-hosted a celebration of the International Day of Peace in New Zealand attended by 70 guests from different NGOs and communities.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the UN International Day of Peace by launching its 2019–2020 campaign “Let’s Plant Trees: Let’s Sow Peace.”
- Written by: Elisabeth Cook, FFWPU-Austria; and Peter Haider, UPF-Austria
Vienna, Austria—A Peace Road trip to Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina was the theme of an International Day of Peace celebration.
- Written by: UPF-Australia
Melbourne, Australia—A conference on “Peace Building and Our Environment” was held in Melbourne to commemorate the International Day of Peace 2019.
- Written by: Gregor Sattler, UPF-Bonn
Bonn, Germany—The UPF commemoration started with a comparison of “peace journalism” vs. “war journalism.”
- Written by: Hiromi Mishima, Secretary General, UPF-Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador—“Climate Action for Peace” was addressed by panelists representing agriculture, religion, education, government, and other fields.
- Written by: Maria Nazarova, secretary general, UPF-Russia
Moscow, Russia—UPF marked the 2019 International Day of Peace with a roundtable focusing on issues relating to the environment.
- Written by: Robert Bentele, UPF-Munich
Munich, Germany—"Active for a Climate of Peace" was the title of the UPF commemoration of the 2019 International Day of Peace.
- Written by: Barbara Grabner, UPF-Slovakia
Bratislava, Slovakia—A well-known international security expert offered insights into the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
- Written by: Steinar Murud, secretary general, UPF-Norway
Oslo, Norway—In a program titled “Perspectives on Peace,” faith leaders offered their views on the way to attain peace.
- Written by: Colm Ó Cionnaith, secretary general, UPF-Ireland
Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland—UPF marked International Day of Peace with a Peace Road Walk followed by a Peace Road Forum.
- Written by: Dr. Juraj Lajda, president, UPF-Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic—Three distinguished speakers presented their ideas about peace at a special discussion organized by UPF.
- Written by: UPF-Brazil
Natal, Brazil—Brazil’s third walk for peace took place on September 21, the UN International Day of Peace 2019.
- Written by: UPF-Peru
Trujillo, Peru—UPF-Peru sponsored a walk for peace in honor of the UN International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF-DR Congo
Kinshasa, DR Congo—UPF-DR Congo Commemorated UN International Day of Peace by honoring new Ambassadors for Peace.
- Written by: Jacob Terence Madeleine, Treasurer, UPF-Seychelles, and Diana Benoit, Chair, International Day of Peace Committee
Victoria and Anse Royale, Seychelles—Peace Day was marked by an ambitious agenda featuring two simultaneous Peace Marches and Peace Shows, as well as a Climate Action Fair.
- Written by: UPF-Brazil
Sorocaba City, Brazil—UN International Day of Peace 2019 was commemorated by the appointment of three Ambassadors for Peace.
- Written by: UPF-Congo
Pointe-Noire, Congo—The Congo chapter of Youth and Students for Peace, in conjunction with UPF-Congo, celebrated the UN International Day of Peace by holding a conference at the DGC Institute on September 21, 2019.
- Written by: UPF-Peru
Trujillo, Peru—Over 200 participants, including ambassadors, honored the 2019 UN International Day of Peace.
- Written by: Maka Abugbaya, secretary general, UPF-Georgia
Ratevani, Georgia—More than 100 schoolchildren attended a UPF program about the main values of peace.