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United Nations International Day of Peace 2015

The United Nations set the theme for this year's observance as 
"Partnerships for Peace - Dignity for All.

Kanagawa, Japan—UPF-Japan together with the volunteer group TANPOPO commemorated the UN International Day of Peace by organizing a beach cleanup. 

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A powerpoint report of Universal Peace Federation activities during the International Day of Peace 2015.

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Parnell, New Zealand—UPF-New Zealand observed the 2015 International Day of Peace by holding a special forum on the current global issue of refugees.

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Bangui, Central African Republic—UPF observed International Day of Peace 2015 by welcoming as new Ambassadors of Peace 43 leaders of an armed militia.

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Port Harcourt, Nigeria—The government of Rivers State has pledged to partner with UPF-Nigeria on peacebuilding programs in the state and around the Niger Delta.

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New York, United States—The International Day of Peace 2015 was celebrated at the United Nations by a coalition of UN NGO committees and NGOs.

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León, Nicaragua—UPF commemorated the UN International Day of Peace 2015 with two events in Nicaragua.

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Majuro, Marshall Islands—In the Republic of the Marshall Islands the UN International Day of Peace was observed with interfaith ceremonies and prayers.

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Monza, Italy—On the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace, UPF held a conference on the theme "Peace Education: Nourishment of Conscience."

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Helsinki, Finland—A discussion of the current European refugee crisis was the focus of Finland’s observance of the International Day of Peace.

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Taipei, Taiwan—UPF organized the Cross-Strait Peace Forum in observance of the UN International Day of Peace. 

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Quito, Ecuador—UPF celebrated the UN International Day of Peace in Ecuador with events in the country’s capital, Quito, and Guayaquil, a city in Guayas province. 

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Una celebración artística-cultural-interreligiosa fue el marco de la entrega de la séptima edición de premios del Concurso Poético Internacional que organiza anualmente UPF Argentina en adhesión al Día Internacional de la Paz. 

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the UN International Day of Peace with an artistic, cultural and interreligious event, where awards for the seventh annual International Poetry Contest were given. 

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Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire—To honor the International Day of Peace, UPF held a conference under the theme “Partnership for Peace and Citizenship Responsibility.”

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Copenhagen, Denmark—UPF-Denmark celebrated the UN International Day of Peace in the Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish parliament.

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Moscow, Russia—The 2015 UN International Day of Peace was celebrated by young and old citizens in towns and cities across Russia.

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Washington, D.C., USA—UPF and the Washington Times Foundation collaborated once again to organize an inspiring program in celebration of the UN International Day of Peace. 

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Buenos Aires, Argentina—Winners of the seventh International Poetry Contest, organized each year by UPF-Argentina, were announced on September 20.

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Bangkok, Thailand—More than 1 million people participated in events in Thailand to commemorate the International Day of Peace 2015. 

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia—UPF-Ethiopia marked the UN International Day of Peace with a forum under the UN theme “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All.”

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Kiev, Ukraine—International Day of Peace was celebrated in Ukraine with friendly competitions in mini-football between teams of students.

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Abuja, Nigeria—UPF-Nigeria observed the 2015 UN International Day of Peace with special programs in the capitals of two states.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands—The 2015 UN International Day of Peace was observed in the Netherlands with a benefit dinner to support the Children’s Hospital in Pyongyang, North Korea.

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