Barbados-2009-09-20-Day of Peace in Barbados

Bridgetown, Barbados - The Barbados National Peace Council (UPF-Barbados) held a church service to commemorate United Nations International Day of Peace at the headquarters of Family Federation for World Peace on September 20, 2009. Ambassador for Peace Mr. Philip Knight, who is a business consultant, gave a passionate speech praising the courage of the Barbados National Peace Council in promoting paths to peace and invoking the spirit of the founding fathers of the nation and the wider Caribbean. Included on the program were speeches given by prominent persons and Ambassadors for Peace, and the awarding of certificates to outstanding notable persons in the community.

The sermon was given by Rev. Peter Phillips, President of Barbados National Peace Council. In his remarks to the assembled crowd, speaking on the theme of "Peace, the fruit of the spirit," he recalled the words of Martin Niemoeller about what happens "When good men do nothing." He urged people in the pursuit of peace not to ignore the importance of individual qualities that build inner peace and by extension peaceful communities and nations. In the conclusion of his sermon, Rev. Phillips challenged the congregation not to remain idle and do nothing but to stand up and be counted in the pursuit of peace.

To read UPF's Declaration on the International Day of Peace 2009, click here.

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