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Day of Peace in Sao Paulo

Brazil-2009-09-21-Day of Peace in Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo, Brazil - The Commercial Association of Sao Paulo in partnership with the Antakarana Institute, the United Religions Initiative, the Universalist World Forum, the Cultural Foundation of the Brazilian Army, the Brazilian Association of the International United Nations Peace Forces, and the Universal Peace Federation among others gathered at the Peace Monument in Sao Paulo to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace on September 21.

The Military Symphonic Orchestra played the National Anthem to open the event. Father Contieri, Director of Patéo do Colégio, gave the invocation, inviting the Divine Presence for the event. The master of ceremonies read the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The celebration continued with a special presentation by Miguel Robson, world famous guitarist, and soprano Andréia Bien.

Four special guests were called to the front to receive the Peace Monument Trophy: Cardinal Dom Odilo Scherer, Archbishop of Sao Paulo; General Antônio Esper, Southeast Region Military Commander; Rabbi Michel Schlegninger from the Israelite Congregation of Sao Paulo; and Sheik Jihad from the World Association Muslim Youth.

The master of ceremonies asked for all the religious representatives to come and form a line and offer one minute of silent prayer for world peace. Robson Miguel and Andréia Bien led the assembly in singing Saint Francis' "Prayer for Peace." Then Maestro Benito Juarez conducted the symphony orchestra, and many passers-by were attracted by the peaceful melodies.

The master of ceremonies reminded all the participants that they were gathered at the historical birthplace of the city, where Mr. Gaetano Luigi created the Peace Monument to inspire humankind to work harder to build the culture of peace.

To read UPF's Declaration on the International Day of Peace 2009, click here.

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