Kathmandu, Nepal - UPF-Nepal joined with the Nepal government to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Peace with the motto “We must disarm.” The people of Nepal seek lasting peace, and UPF has been advocating peace since its establishment in 2005.


Around 40 UPF-Nepal volunteers and Ambassadors for Peace participated in the overall program, which was mainly organized by the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction. UPF was the only NGO to join the event.

The program was chaired by the Minister of Information and Communication, Hon. Shanker Pokheral. The Chief Guest was the acting Chief Justice, Hon. Anup Raj Sharma.

The Acting Secretary of the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction spoke words of welcome. The former Speaker of the House, Mr. Daman Nath Dhungana, and the Minister of Peace and Reconstruction, Hon. Dilli Bahadur Mahat, gave special remarks. Special guest speakers included Mr. Robert Piper from the UN Development Programme and Ms. Karen Landgren, Chief of the United Nations Mission in Nepal.

Parliamentarians, civil society leaders, and UN officials expressed appreciation for UPF’s sincere efforts in peacebuilding and peacekeeping.

To read UPF's Declaration on the International Day of Peace 2009, click here.

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