Oslo, Norway - Forty-three people gathered to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace on September 21 at a conference center in Oslo. After Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's video greeting for the day was shown, local UN Communications Office representative Mrs. Line Begby commented on the importance of the UN's role in today’s world.

Mr. Pal Arne Davidsen, foreign policy adviser for the Norwegian Parliament, shared his views on disarmament and reconciliation. Mr. Kristian B. Harpviken, Director of the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, spoke about the possibility of a new agenda for disarmament today. A Muslim representative, Mr. Hatef Mokhtar, founder of the organization Global Peace, gave his viewpoints on peace. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Thomas Stangeland gave an update on the Ministry's work for peace and reconciliation. Victor Lorentzen uplifted the audience through his beautiful guitar playing and singing.

An Ambassador for Peace certificate was given to Mrs. Hulya Durrani, who established a new foundation to support the people of Afghanistan with practical help. After closing remarks by Steinar Murud, Secretary General of UPF-Norway, refreshments and social mingling closed the evening.

The event was attended by representatives from the Korean and Afghanistan embassies as well as representatives from various religious backgrounds.


To read UPF's Declaration on the International Day of Peace 2009, click here.

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