Santiago, Dominican Republic - The Dominican Republic chapter of UPF celebrated the United Nations International Day of Peace on September 19 in the city of Santiago. Santiago is the second largest city of the Dominican Republic with a population of 800,000 people.


The director of the regional extension of the National University of Santo Domingo, Architect Humberto Peralta, offered for the celebration the University Library auditorium, which has a capacity of 400 people. Saturday was chosen since it was a more convenient day for the student to attend the celebration. Some professors attended with their whole class, and people from the community attended, including Congresswoman Fidelia Perez, two Christian ministers and people from their congregations, the Oddfellows of the Masonic Lodge, and people from the local Family Federation for World Peace.

The first message was the declaration of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon entitled “WMD, We Must Disarm,” presented though a video prepared by the UN for the occasion. The Universal Peace Federation message of “One Family under God” was presented by Mr. Cesar Regalado, Secretary General of UPF-Dominican Republic.

Dr. Clara Benedicto, President of the Ambassadors for Peace Committee, spoke about the role of women and education in building a culture of peace. She is a professor and former vice president of the University in Santo Domingo. Congressman Dr. Carlos Martinez, representing all the national Ambassadors for Peace, came with his wife from the nearby city of Puerto Plata.

The University Extension Director, Architect Humberto Peralta, gave words of welcome and a message of peace; afterwards, he was given an Ambassador for Peace certificate.

Two local artists renowned for their peace activism sang between the speeches.

The UPF video presentation was shown after the UN Secretary-General’s message, and at the end the UPF Declaration about the International Day of Peace 2009 was read.

Five public officials attending were also designated as new Ambassadors for Peace.

The program closed with a video of an inspirational Dominican song composed by Alicia Baroni and sung by five other popular women singers about world peace entitled “Un Mundo Nuevo” (A New World).

Afterwards everyone enjoyed refreshments provide by Congresswoman and Ambassador for Peace, Mrs. Fidelia Perez.

To read UPF's Declaration on the International Day of Peace 2009, click here.

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