Dear friends of the International Day of Peace,

Mr. Eric Falt, Director of the Outreach Division of the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), convened a second “town hall” style meeting on April 22nd, inviting a number of NGOs from different parts of the world whose work has been instrumental in increasing observance of the International Day of Peace (IDP) to participate by conference call.

Our colleagues at DPI have been working to synthesize the various significant agenda items for the UN in September to come up with a cohesive theme for the 2010 International Day of Peace. They have chosen: Youth, Peace and Development.

August 12th will mark the beginning of the UN International Year of Youth. It is hoped that observance of the IDP can be woven into the programs and promotion that will mark this Year, and the timing is very good.

A high-level summit on the Millennium Development Goals will be held at UN headquarters from 20-22 September. As most of you are aware, the Millennium Declaration agreed to by all Member States was a strong statement about peace and development, from which the eight MDGs were extracted. It is so important to be reminded that the context for development must be peace. We are hopeful that the Secretary-General will make this connection to those gathered.

Please also note that the popular Stand Up Campaign has shifted its three days of mobilization away from the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (Oct. 17) to 17-19 September for 2010. It is good news that DPI has met with the Stand Up Campaign regarding cross-promotion.

Also because of the summit, the UN observance of the IDP will take place on Friday, 17 September. This will include the annual Ringing of the Peace Bell by the Secretary-General and student observance. In addition, there is a plan to add a third component in the afternoon, where the students would participate in the Stand Up Campaign.

We were informed by Mr. Hiro Ueki, who is Acting Chief of the Peace and Security Unit of DPI in Susan Manuel’s absence, that plans are being made for the 100-Day Countdown to the IDP, which begins on 13 June. There is a possibility of a press conference on Monday, 14 June, when the Secretary-General would present his message. The UN Graphic Design Unit is working on a visual for the 2010 IDP, and all plans will be submitted to the Secretary-General shortly. Mr. Ueki mentioned that there is a possibility of a tag line to the theme of Youth, Peace and Development. If you have an idea, you may send it to him via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bill Yotive of the UN Global Teaching and Learning Project related a plan to develop the UN IDP website into one where observances may be posted. Michael Johnson of Pathways To Peace mentioned that the site at already has this capability and may be in a position to share the technology. It was also noted that NGOs would find it helpful to have a UN IDP website with a permanent address from year to year that we can link to from our websites and feature in printed materials.

Some of the NGOs requested help in demonstrating the link between our organizations and the United Nations, especially to those they are trying to enroll in IDP activities. A list on the UN site of NGOs working in support would be wonderful, as would a one-page download encouraging civil society observances.

There was a lively discussion of media possibilities, including new opportunities at , which will broadcast UN activities live on Sept. 17th, then follow with numerous weekend activities, such as with Roots & Shoots. On the 21st, it will show a prerecorded program on the MDGs. Odyssey Networks will continue its promotion of A Million Minutes for Peace.

There were many good ideas around the 100-Day Countdown, including involving the UN Messengers of Peace, encouraging NGO’s use the 100 days in creative ways to focus on different partners and initiatives, and the new WE Campaign’s community of peace campaign that will launch at the same time at . It was also noted that the 53-nation African Union has agreed to observe International Day of Peace this year, and to promote it in and around all countries. This may lead to an IDP tie-in with the World Cup. The African Union Declaration of 2010 as the Year of Peace and Security in Africa actually mentions the IDP.

Other suggestions that arose during the conversation included:

  • A link-in between the MDG Summit and the close of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World
  • Put the Millennium Declaration on the UN IDP site along with the MDGs
  • Have a Task Force of NGOs to meet with Millennium Campaign to link the campaign and the IDP
  • Getting schools involved before the end of May
  • Sharing email lists

Michael Johnson announced that the 2009 report on the IDP by Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative is now available on those websites at and .

Bill Yotive closed the meeting in appreciation of everyone’s dedication and spirit, as we all look forward to getting even more people involved in the UN International Day of Peace.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!


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