New York, USA - UPF-USA participated in the Vigil for International Peace held all day September 18 at the Central Park Bandshell in New York City.

The Vigil is a grassroots transformational effort dedicated to promulgate peace through participation in art, song, dance, music, prayer, and ecological awareness. The celebration began at 9:00 a.m. and culminated with a grand finale at 6:00 pm. The program featured renowned speakers, children's choirs, international performers, dancers, and poets. Representatives and leaders from a variety of local, national, and international organizations joined the festivities.

In its ninth year, the vigil was inspired by the United Nations Resolution 55/282 designating September 21st of each year as an "International Day of Peace" and to have the entire world observe a full day of "global ceasefire and nonviolence."


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