Marshall Islands-2010-09-21-Day of Peace in Majuro, Marshall Islands

Majuro, Marshall Islands -UPF-Marshall Islands organized a celebration of the UN International Day of Peace with students at the College of the Marshall Islands on September 22.

We shared about the history of the International Day of Peace and read the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the statement by the Universal Peace Federation. Since the UN Secretary-General especially emphasized youth this year, this gathering with college students who are the future leaders of this country was significant.

We addressed the following issues:

  • What is real peace?
  • How can we accomplish a peaceful world?
  • The reality of conflicts and threats to peace worldwide as well as regionally and nationally

Examples were given from the Middle East (Israel and Iraq), Asia (North-South Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan), and Africa (Kenya).

The discussions stimulated students to think about their role for the future towards a peaceful world. There was a family atmosphere in this small-scale event.


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