Riga, Latvia - A celebration of the UN International Day of Peace was held in the Peace Embassy of UPF-Latvia on September 25. Among the participants were Ambassadors for Peace of Latvia and representatives of the Latvian Center of Humane Pedagogy, the Wushu martial arts school, and the Falun Dafa Center.

The chair of UPF-Latvia, Leon Bojars, gave a welcoming speech. This was followed by presentations about the education of young people as future peacemakers and the summer leaders’ program that took place in Latvia and was attended by youth from Western Europe, Canada, and and USA. Roman Vlasenko, a teacher at the Wushu martial arts school, shared his vision about the need for world peace; he emphasized the importance of educating the young generation through sports and universal values.

The Falun Dafa Center members demonstrated a few exercises that can help people dispel negative thoughts and obtain internal peace. Finally, reports were given about UPF's worldwide activities and new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed. At the end of the event, guests shared informally over tea.


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