Libreville, Gabon - UPF-Gabon organized a celebration of the International Day of Peace in the multipurpose room of the ONE on September 21.
The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Mombo-Mouelet Camille, Vice President of UPF-Gabon. The following is an excerpt:
The foundation of society, culture, and moral character is the family. The family is the first school of ethics. It is the school where we learn to love, respect, and serve others. By strengthening marriage and family, we can educate our children to respect all people and thus establish a culture of peace.
Religion has a large role to play in the efforts to promote peace and development. At the same time, we recognize that too often religious voices have sown seeds of fear, prejudice, and narrow-mindedness, contrary to the fundamental spirit and teachings of the great spiritual traditions. For that reason, religion has often given voice to conflict and division.
In light of this reality, one voice that should be raised on this International Day of Peace is the voice of interreligious dialogue, mutual respect, and cooperation. With an increased spiritual awareness, a great collective will can emerge that will guarantee the well-being of everyone.
Laws by themselves cannot lead to political, economic, or social reform. What we need are educational programs that affirm the development of good character, resolution of conflicts, and a culture of peace. Men and women who have been taught to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities towards others will respect the public good and promote development.