Amsterdam and The Hague, Netherlands - UPF-Netherlands organized an International Day of Peace commemoration on September 21 in the Dialogue Center in Amsterdam on the theme of ''Islam and the West: Re-awakening & Cooperation for World Peace.''

In conjunction with the Women's Federation for World Peace, UPF-Netherlands held a commemoration on September 22 at Christus Triumfator Church in The Hague in which seven people spoke on the theme of this year's observance, "Peace and Democracy: Let Your Voice Be Heard." The diverse audience included people from 11 nations and seven religions.

Hans Campman was a warm, embracing Master of Ceremonies, and Wim Koetsier spoke amusingly and substantially about the need for spiritual development to ensure peace. The message for the International Day of Peace 2011 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was shown on screen.

Christopher Davies sang a song "The Waves of Love,'' and Carlos Figueroa and Giancarlo Gragonetti provided delightful renditions of popular Latin music, as people looked at literature, ate sushi and other delicacies, and enjoyed each other's company. Organizer Rita Salaris described the event as "a very special spiritual adventure."

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