Les Ulis, France - The Women's Federation for World Peace and UPF-France organized a meeting on the topic "Does Multiculturalism Still Contribute to Peace?" on September 17 in a suburb of Paris, in commemoration of the International Day of Peace. Three speakers were invited to share about the subject.


A person with a doctorate in social psychology moderated the debate.

At first she asked a few questions to Mr. Laurent Ladouce, director of the cultural center Espace Culture et Paix, about his newly published book, The Pakxe Project. Using a PowerPoint presentation he illustrated the potential of Pakxe, a city in southern Laos, to become an international city for peace in South-East Asia.

The second speaker, Mrs. Martine Russe, a member of the Women's Federation for World Peace-France, shared her reflections on multiculturalism, and the moderator concluded by talking about personal experiences in intercultural relations.

About 40 people participated, and at the end, five participants received a certificate of Ambassador for Peace.

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