Montreal, Canada - Montreal’s Ambassadors for Peace gathered to lend their support to the International  Day of Peace on September 22. Franco Famularo, Secretary General of UPF Canada, set the tone by reading the 2011 message by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and provided the audience with a glimpse of the global efforts of UPF volunteers throughout the world.

Contributions were made by respected Ambassadors for Peace with an emphasis on the fact that we all belong to one human family.

Mrs. Pushpa Banga, a Sanskrit scholar, and community activist sang a Hindu song for peace.

April Collins led a water of peace ceremony where each participant poured water into a jug representing peace and harmony of humanity. This was followed by prayers from major religions read by Rev. Denyse Dequoy of Christian Science, April Collins, Melissa Brosseau, and Dan Garand.


Jean Lariviere read words on peace by the founder of Scientology, Ron Hubbard.

Shaheen Ashraf, a member of the National Board of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women, shared her thoughts as a Muslim living in Canada for 35 years. Her brief talk entitled “Gifts to Share” is below.

Rev. Bruce Gourlay, a Presbyterian minister originally from the United States, shared that his congregation in Montreal is now composed mostly of Africans from English-speaking West Africa and commented that we have come a long way in race and ethnic relations since the beginning of his ministry several decades ago.

Comments were also provided by Pastor Sergio Donis Valiente of the Pentecostal Church, Mr. Resham Singh of the Sikh Community in Montreal, Mr. Mohammed K Rahman, and Pastor Daniel Razakaria of the 7th Day Adventist Church.

A poem found on Mother Theresa’s wall was also read.(See below.)

Thiru & Kamala Jegatheeswaran, originally from Sri Lanka, shared about their quest for peace in their war-torn native country.

Mr. John Linden, a community activist and long-time Ambassador for Peace read a commentary that he himself wrote on the issue of peace. His Peace Patriot’s Creed is below.

Gifts to Share

Shaheen Ashraf
Canadian Council of Muslim Women

Being of service to our community is part of being a good citizen. We need to be helpful to all people, creatures, and even plant life that share this earth with us. When we do something for others in service, without the expectation of anything in return, we turn our actions into offerings.

There are many ways of doing this. It could be simple things such as serving  dinner at a shelter, mentoring our youth, learning sign language could be service too – it is way to reach out to a different group.

Sharing is an offering too. Everyone has heard the story of “Stone Soup” how this stranger came to a town ravaged by famine and no one was willing to share any of their food that they were keeping for themselves. So he assured them and said he had come to share food with everyone. Saying this, he started to build a fire, put a huge cauldron on it and filled it with water, then he brought out a huge stone out of his bag and started to cook it, smelling the fumes and mmming and aaaing about how good stone soup is. Then he said “It would taste better if it had a bit of cabbage in it,” and quickly someone from the onlookers went home and brought out a cabbage, then it went to “how good it would be with a few carrots in it," then came the tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, etc.” Slowly, all the inhabitants of this famine-affected area got out whatever they had and ALL enjoyed that lovely STONE soup.

There are many other ways that you can serve the world. Imagine the impact we would have on the environment if we picked up one piece of trash off the street every day and chose not to drive our car once a week. Every day, we can do something to make this world a better place.

During meditation, we should ask for guidance on what we can do to be of service. This can be a wonderful way to start our day. Smiling at a stranger who looks down in the dumps will impact someone’s day or even their life. Giving of yourself is the best gift that you can give.

Poem found on Mother Teresa’s wall

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.

-This version is credited to Mother Teresa.



Written by John Linden

I am a peace patriot as old, as young and as endless as existence itself.

My hands do the work to contribute to peace in the world and to uphold and make integrity paramount in the marketplace, community and the nation.

My eyes seek out good men and women that we may join in brother/sisterhood for world peace.

My ears hear the cry and prayer of humanity for peace and the call for intelligent guidance, unity and progress.

My voice speaks for freedom, justice and human rights for all mankind.

My mind teaches me allegiance to all the great enlightened principles of justice and social order.

My heart beats with love, compassion and respect for all humankind on our planet.

My soul rejoices for every triumph, truth and realisation of the human spirit.

My hope is for a better society, civilization and world reflected through a more enlightened humanity.

My motto,  stewardship for world peace evolving through world peace education.

My creed as proclaimed by Thomas Paine, 18th century American philosopher:

My country is the world

My religion, to do good

All mankind are my kin and brethren

My pledge, to internalise, practice and apply the noble values, truths and principles for bringing about a better world for the preservation, progress and unity of all mankind.

All rights reserved: Canada World Peace Park Foundation Inc.

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