Perth, Scotland - UPF-Scotland held a UN International Day of Peace event on September 20 in Queen’s Hotel in Perth which included a presentation of recent aid and interfaith efforts in East Africa by UPF-Scotland.

The event was officially opened by Dr. John Hulbert, Provost (Mayor) of the county of Perth & Kinross.  Perth was the ancient capital of Scotland. Provost Hulbert informed us that Perth & Kinross is one of 71 UK, and over 5,000 worldwide cities or local authorities, which are signatories to Mayors for Peace. This is an organization formed in Hiroshima and committed to the ending of nuclear weapons by 2020 as well as other humanitarian objectives. He wished the UPF success and expressed his feeling of honor at being part of Mayors for Peace.


Rev. Brian Cooper, a retired Baptist minister who has campaigned tirelessly for world peace and disarmament, spoke about the significance of the Day of Peace and the inspiration he received from working for the United Nations in his youth. He also underlined UPF’s goal of establishing an interreligious council within the framework of the UN.

Hamish Robertson, UPF-Scotland, presented a short video relating to the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who founded UPF in 2005. Mr. Robertson also introduced Rev. Moon’s autobiography As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, which details his lifelong struggle to promote world peace and the establishment of “One family under God.”

Recent aid projects in East Africa, initiated by UPF-Scotland and helped substantially by the Scottish Muslim community, were the subject of a PowerPoint presentation by Robert Williamson, Paul Currie, and Aftikhar Ahmed.

Ambassadors for Peace awards were presented to Mrs. Nila Joshi, Edinburgh, and Mrs. Shazia Nadeem, Falkirk. Mrs. Joshi, a Hindu, has worked as an ethnic library officer for 18 years and speaks five community languages. She has served on the board of directors of the Edinburgh Mela Festival and actively supports the local Women’s Interfaith Group as well as her own Hindu temple. Mrs. Nadeem, from the Falkirk Muslim community, has three university degrees. She spoke of her moving experience as a participant in the recent UPF visit to East Africa [to read a report about their visit to Ethiopia, click here].

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