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Day of Peace Observed in Quatre Bornes

Quatre Bornes, Mauritius - The Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) organized a celebration of the International Day of Peace at the Municipal Hall of Quatre Bornes on September 18. Participants included parents, sponsored children, WFWP members and tutors, and special guests including government officials, educators, religious leaders, and NGO representatives. The hall was packed to capacity.

The celebration started with WFWP members and tutors singing the National Anthem. Miss Myriam Narainsamy, WFWP Vice President, opened the celebration by thanking all the guests, parents, children, members, and tutors for coming and gave a brief account of WFWP's activities and accomplishments throughout the years.

This was followed by an exquisite dance performed by the tutors and children.

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Mrs. Sheela Mathur, WFWP executive member, then introduced Mr. Mahen Thanoo of Brahma Kumaris, who spoke of peace beginning within oneself and then expanding to our family, society, and world.

Mrs. Nicole Judoo, WFWP executive member, then introduced the next dance. Holding candles, the tutors and children danced to recorded music on the themes of love and peace; their movements were captivating and graceful.

The second speaker was Dr. Jhurry. He said he was supposed to attend an official function with the Prime Minister that day, but having known our organization for so many years and because the theme was the International Day of Peace, he opted to attend this special event, not as the advisor of the Prime Minister, but as a simple citizen of Mauritius to convey some words of peace and share this special moment with us. Moreover, he came to learn with all of us, saying “We never stop learning.”

The audience was then entertained with a beautiful English song sung by the children with guitar accompaniment by Chris, our ever-present supporter, music teacher, and sponsor.

The children then sang a Creole song, accompanying themselves on musical instruments.

Mrs. Vidula Rahiman, WFWP Executive member, introduced WFWP's friend, sponsor, and auditor, Mr. Ramdenee, who expressed his views as to why our world is not at peace, due to people's selfishness and their greed for power and wealth, leading to losing their human essence and compassion. He also mentioned corrupt religious leaders and politicians who mislead people and create divisions and conflict leading to war.

The next performance was a Hindu dance by WFWP tutors Samantha, Bhavna, and Lutchmee delighting the audience by dancing with Divali clay lamps.

After a round of applause, Mrs. Sheela Mathur thanked the Municipality of Quatre-Bornes for putting the Municipal Hall put at our disposal as well as thanking WFWP sponsors, guests, and parents for attending this Peace Day celebration.

Flowers and peace bookmarks were offered to all the guests. The guests were then invited to share some cakes and juice with WFWP members in the room next to the main hall.

Meanwhile, the audience was entertained by more songs and dance by the tutors and the children. After the departure of the guests, Mrs. Nicole Judoo requested all WFWP members and tutors to join her on the podium. She introduced each member and tutor, including WFWP's friend and music teacher Chris, to the audience and simultaneously offered each one a flower. Soft drinks were offered to all parents, children, tutors, and members.

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