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Day of Peace Observed in Brazzaville

Brazzaville, Republic of Congo - Over 400 people attended the celebration of the International Day of Peace in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on September 21. Participants included Ambassadors for Peace, state officials, representatives of international organizations and local NGOs, representatives of churches, students, the media, and members of the police.

The Chairman of UPF-Congo, Gen. Blaise ADOUA, explained the meaning of the day and the importance for the UPF to celebrate that, while noting the efforts of the UPF Congo provided the field through the “Peace National Tour” with the sole purpose of teaching the culture of peace to Congolese people.

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A video showed the activities of the UPF in the world; many of the participants were impressed by the work of the UPF and vision of its founder.

The message of UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-Moon was read by the delegate of the Resident Coordinator for United Nations System in Congo, Mr. Traore, who is the representative of UNAIDS in Congo.

The UPF message was read by Mr. ZODJI Augustin, a representative of the Secretary General of UPF-Congo. In his message, Mr. Augustin gave the UPF vision of peace based on moral and spiritual values that transcend cultural, racial, and religious barriers. He insisted on character education as a means for establishing a true democracy.

Before the appointment of new Ambassadors for Peace, Mrs. Sylvie Bokamba-ya-Nguma gave an explanation of the five basic principles of Ambassadors for Peace; she emphasized that each of us must break down the walls inside of ourselves and build bridges of peace with others.

At the end, two outstanding people were appointed Ambassadors for Peace; one of them, Ms. Valerie Antoinette OSSIE, is Secretary General of a large foundation chaired by the wife of the head of state.

To close the ceremony, the Chairman of the UPF Congo, reminded Peace ambassadors of their mission of peace-maker, and asked all participants to go beyond their limits to live for the benefit of the public interest. The chairman emphasized the transcendence of ethnic and tribal barriers to enhance the culture of peace in Congo. Participants appreciated the message of UPF, and many wanted to work as soon as Ambassador for Peace

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