UPF-Russia collaborated with various organizations to hold conferences and forums on topics related to peace in Chelyabinsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and Novosibirsk. See also reports of school programs, sports events, and women's projects in observance of the International Day of Peace throughout Russia.

Chelyabinsk - Activists and Young Ambassadors for Peace of the Universal Peace Federation held a conference in Chelyabinsk related to the UN International Day of Peace on September 18. With great interest, the participants heard speeches by representatives of different grassroots organizations whose activities are promoting a culture of peace. Quite practical advice was given by volunteers from the organization “No more litter scattered” and representatives of the movement “Sober Russia.” It is very important to hold such meetings that inspire different organizations to work together bearing in mind the goals and values declared by UN.


Moscow - A meeting on “Role of NGOs in preserving peace and developing cooperation between social sectors in Russia” was held in Moscow in commemoration of the International Day of Peace on September 17. The program aimed at promoting cooperation and coordination of efforts of different organizations in creating a culture of peace. Participants in the conference unanimously accepted the importance of appealing to national governments, civil community bodies, and international organizations to join efforts in areas of conflict to apply the minimal standards of human development and guaranteeing personal safety according to the UN human rights standards and international law on human rights. In his speech, the Secretary General of UPF-Eurasia, Jacques Marion, emphasized that the world is moving towards interdependence and a God-centered culture. He also underscored that modern democracy is rooted in such a worldview; therefore, creating an interreligious council  within the United Nations (proposed in the year 2000 by UPF Founder Dr. Sun Myung Moon) is now a matter of utmost importance.

Although such programs cannot by themselves solve the global challenges confronting us, still they promote collaboration among all who desire world peace, mutual understanding, and cooperation in the region and the joint efforts of governments, religious and NGO organizations, and businesses in resolving situations of conflict and crisis.

Nizhny Novgorod - A conference organized by the Universal Peace Federation took place in Nizhniy Novgorod on September 18. The theme of this conference was “The role of the NGOs in preserving peace and developing cooperation in different segments of Russian society.” The conference was organized as part of the International Day of Peace. Leaders of inter-regional and city-level NGOs, scholars, representatives from religions. as well as municipal leaders and representatives of youth organizations participated in this event.

At the opening participants watched the video message of UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. Konstantin Zharinov, the coordinator of the Russian segment of UPF's North-East Asia Peace Initiative, presented an overview of the goals and activities of the Universal Peace Federation.

The main speaker was Ambassador for Peace Vladimir Arsenkin, who emphasized the importance of inheriting the spirit and the achievements of Dr. Sun Myung Moon in carrying out peacebuilding initiatives.

Novosibirsk - In 2011 the International Day of Peace is being celebrated for the 30th time, now under the slogan “Peace and democracy: Make your voice heard.” Since the founding of the UN, the world population size has trebled and the process is ongoing. Thus, at the end of October, a child will be born on the Earth that will bring the global population to 7 billion. This was declared by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the delegates of the UN General Assembly. Therefore, our primary task now is sustainable development.

Novosibirsk is involved in this directly. According to the results of the general census of 2010, the city has the third-largest population in Russia. The city is attractive because of its atmosphere of peace and observance of human rights. These factors surely contribute to the increasing the birth rate.

The Universal Peace Federation, Novosibirsk chapter, together with the grassroots organization “ZITO” and the resource center “Active city” of the Zheleznodorozhny district, held a round table discussion on September 21 on the theme “The importance of good governance and awareness of the Millennium Development Goals on the modern stage of community development.” The event was related to celebration of the UN International Day of Peace that unites the world community in a desire to expand and secure the ideals of peace within nations and in interstate relations.

The program started with One Minute of Silence for cease-fire and world peace. After the video address of Ban Ki-moon was shown, the local grassroots leaders took the floor voicing their appeal to proceed with the cause of peace.

The presentation on “The importance of good governance and awareness of the Millennium Development Goals on the modern stage of community development” was given by Dmitry Oficerov of UPF-Novosibirsk.

After the coffee break, a discussion began that resulted in preparing a plan for joint activities to promote the development of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Novosibirsk. Nadezhda Alexandrovna Latrygina moderated the event.

The participants became friends and expressed their desire to unite in teams for the practical realization of their ideas about how to improve the living conditions of their fellow citizens.

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