Riga, Latvia - UPF-Latvia marked the International Day of Peace on Sept. 22, 2012, by inviting a professor from the military academy, Gen. Karlis Kreslins, to speak at the Riga Peace Embassy on “Prospects for Peace and Security for a Sustainable Future.”
His very engaging and comprehensive lecture went far beyond Latvia’s role in contributing to peace and security in Europe and the world, and included the prospects for cooperation in managing existing conflicts and possible threats to peace. The speaker also touched on the balance of powers and emphasized the need for common universal values, as espoused by Dr. Moon, which are essential for stability and peace in the world. He commended UPF’s efforts in the sphere of service, diplomacy, and strengthening family values.
A presentation on the Peace Legacy of Dr. Moon was given by Jacques Marion, who also highlighted recent UPF activities in Central Asia. Finally, UPF-Latvia president Leons Bojars paid tribute to the life and achievements of Dr. Moon and gave a report about the memorial services he attended in Korea.
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