Kiev, Ukraine - For many years, UPF-Ukraine has been sponsoring projects related to the International Day of Peace. This year two such projects were completed: making origami cranes with students at the Gymnasium of Oriental Languages and a football match for peace with students at the Kiev University of Law.
On September 20 in the Gymnasium of Oriental Languages in Kiev, UPF volunteers conducted a lesson of peace in the Assembly Hall of the school that was attended by more than 60 students. After explaining the meaning and history of the International Day of Peace, a guest from Japan, recently arrived in Ukraine, gave the children an origami lesson. With bated breath children listened while she told about the history and significance of small paper cranes. Afterwards, the children tried to make cranes with their own hands, and if someone had difficulty, the guest from Japan was always ready to help. While folding little paper cranes, the children’s laughter and happy smiles created a joyful atmosphere in the hall.
After the origami lesson, the guest from Japan expressed her desire to know more about the Ukrainian culture. She visited the school museum, where the educators carefully displayed their collection of traditional items of Ukrainian culture and life. She admired the hand-embroidered Ukrainian shirts and towels, painted utensils, and oil paintings of Ukrainian nature.
In conclusion, the children watched a video presented by the international organization “Peace One Day.” The film disclosed the meaning and history of the International Day of Peace; it encouraged all present to think about the global challenges of peace on our planet. Throughout the event, the atmosphere was that of friendship and peace. Children could feel the meaning of building relationships of peace and friendship when they helped each other in creating little paper cranes. After the lecture about the Day of Peace and watching the video, children felt how important it was to work for world peace for the sake of the happiness of the whole humanity.
The second project was launched on September 21. In cooperation with the Kiev University of Law, UPF-Ukraine organized a football match for peace on the university’s athletic field. The event was sponsored by the international organization “Peace One Day.” The competing teams were the first-year law students and UPF volunteers. There were neither winners nor losers; it was a match for peace and both teams enjoyed the game. It is interesting to note that the weather forecast for that day promised rain. However, it started raining only after the game ended.
After the match, the University rector, Mr. Yuri I. Boshitsky, spoke to the students about how important it is in our time to make all possible efforts to build a peaceful society in which all people could study, live, and work in peace without military threat and conflicts. He personally congratulated all the participants on the occasion; and a representative of the Universal Peace Federation presented the participants certificates as Young Ambassador for Peace.
In 1981, the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 36/67 establishing the International Day of Peace, and in 2002 it was decided to designate September 21 as the permanent date for peace celebration. Ukraine supported the decision of the UN General Assembly with a Decree by the President on May 2, 2002 to declare September 21 as the National Day of Peace.
Thanks to the efforts of many public organizations and volunteers, the Day of Peace in Ukraine is growing in popularity.
Participating in activities and projects related to the International Day of Peace, the Ukrainian young people get more and more imbued with the idea of building peaceful and harmonious relations in the family, society, and the whole world. They get the sense that every person should make his or her contribution to world peace. After all, peace requires joint efforts through overcoming national, racial, and cultural barriers.