Cotonou, Benin - "Operation Heart-to-Heart" is the theme of a series of events in Cotonou between Sept. 19 and Oct. 19, 2014 in observance of the UN International Day of Peace and other UN commemorative days.
Meetings and discussions are planned with NGOs, civil society groups, political and religious leaders, focusing on the UN Declaration of the Right of People to Peace, five principles of peace of Ambassadors for Peace, the UN Program on the Culture of Peace, various UN resolutions, and the family as a school of love and peace.
Posters and banners will be displayed in cities throughout the nation. A campaign to gather a million signatures for peace, friendship, true family values, interreligious harmony, and non-violence will be conducted in schools, government offices, religious groups, NGOs, political parties, etc. UPF and about 20 other NGOs are organizing these programs under the patronage of the president of the Republic.
The main activities include:
Sept. 19 - Press conference for journalists, political leaders, civil society leaders, religious leaders, government officials, parliamentarians, NGO leaders and UN representatives, including a briefing about the celebrations of the International Day of Peace and other UN days
Sept. 20 - Seminar on the Culture of Peace, Love, Non-violence, True Family Values and Interreligious Dialogue in Cotonou as the first step of a National Peace Education program to be held in departments and cities throughout Benin from Sept. 28 through Oct. 19.
Sept. 21 - International Day of Peace and observance of International Friendship Day: a reading of UN and UPF statements about the International Day of Peace, observing one minute of silence, ringing a peace bell, speeches, prayers, readings from various religions, music and food
Sept. 27 - Seminar on the Culture of Peace, Love, Non-violence, True Family Values and Interreligious Dialogue in Cotonou
Oct. 2 - International Day of Non-violence Celebration
Oct. 4 - An Interreligious Conference for Peace and Interreligious Cultural Choral Concert for Peace and Friendship; the three best choirs will receive a prize.
Oct. 5 - Celebration of the UN World Day of Teachers and launching of the Teacher for Peace Award and Character Education program in partnership with “WANEP-Benin,” the West Africa Network for the Edification of Peace
Oct. 10 - Global Peace-loving Citizens Night of Peace and Friendship, including a fundraiser to provide food and clothing to children
Oct. 11 - International Day of the Girl Child: celebration and launching of the Women Ambassadors for Peace Network
Oct. 12 - Play Soccer Make Peace: tournament and peace education program with four youth soccer teams
Oct. 16 & 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: health, social and service project
Oct. 18 - Report to the media and launching of the Media and Communications Ambassadors for Peace and Non-Violence
Celebrations of the UN International Days of Peace, Friendship, Non-violence, Girl Child and Eradication of Poverty are planned in each department with mayors and Ambassadors for Peace.
For information about Operation Heart-to-Heart in French, click here.