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International Day of Peace Celebrated in Russia

Russia-2014-09-21-International Day of Peace

Russia-2014-09-21-International Day of Peace

UPF-Russia organized celebrations of the International Day of Peace in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ufa and Volgograd.


The long-awaited traditional celebration of the UN International Day of Peace at the UPF Peace Embassy Sept. 21, 2014. UPF welcomed all the guests: public and political figures, scientific workers of culture and art, youth activists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and many other people whose hearts are filled with desire and determination to bring about positive change in different spheres of life through the their personal example.

Opening the meeting, Dmitry Samko, secretary general of UPF-Moscow, solemnly read the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message about the general vision of the situation in the world and UN activity.

Secretary General of UPF-Eurasia Konstantin Krylov welcomed guests and spoke about UPF’s current and future peacemaking programs. He touched upon important issues about planning future cooperative activities. He especially stressed the value of strong and stable families in providing optimal conditions for the education and development of young people - the future peacekeepers - as living examples of unity beyond religious, racial, national and ethnic borders.

A delegation from Japan headed by the UPF Secretary General Mr. Hideo Oyamada shared about global UPF projects. Mr. Oyamada’s deep message called for unity in the international arena and offering relief to countries that suffer from environmental and economic difficulties.

Very impressive was the insightful and eloquent presentation by the president of the interregional public organization to promote the peaceful reunification of Korea "Bomminryon," Felix P. Kim, about an auto race to advance the unification of North and South Korea. His work has been amazingly successful, and the results are delightful and inspiring. Rapprochement between the parties is being advanced by various international projects in the field of culture, sports and tourism.

Equally impressive was the speech of Vladimir E. Petrovsky, senior researcher at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies. He shared about development of peacemaking programs in Eurasia. Analyzing media reports, he noted hope on the part of many high-ranking officials for spiritual guidance and human values in resolving complex conflicts and situations internationally and nationally. External superiority does not solve the problems of the world, he said; what matters is the relationships centered on the highest values and principles of peacekeeping.

The meeting ended with a variety of warm comments and general approval. There were specific proposals for increased activities aimed at building a harmonious world of peace. This year, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the UN General Assembly's Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace, the theme for the International Day of Peace was "The Right of Peoples to Peace." This great goal involves systematic cooperation. UPF encourages volunteer and partner organizations, all people committed to peace, NGOs and government agencies to join efforts to promote a peaceful world. Such collaboration will be also the starting point of external changes.

Later, there was a meeting of the Youth Ambassadors for Peace, who had the opportunity, in the warm atmosphere, to more closely communicate with each other and discuss their future cooperation.


A celebration of the International Day of Peace took place in the capital of Siberia, Novosibirsk, at the "Birch Grove" recreation park on Sept. 21, 2014. More than 300 people united by a single impulse and desire for peace created a festive atmosphere of unity and harmony.
The military brass band of the Novosibirsk Institute of the Ministry of the Interior named after General of the Army Yakovleva, conducted by Lt. Leonid Golovanov, opened the celebration. Guests danced and sang patriotic songs with orchestra students Alexei Petrikin, Vadim Karmyshevym and Alexei Chuprakova.

The Secretary General of UPF-Siberia Dmitry Oficerov opened the celebration by reading the UPF statement on the UN theme for 2014: "The Right of Peoples to Peace." the motto of the festival was "Peace of Mind - Peace in the Family - Peace on the Planet." Students of Siberian universities, Collins Camden from Cameroon and Svetlana Zovskaya from Russia, read the message of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Then followed a "Minute of Silence" in memory of the victims of armed conflicts on the planet.

Then began the “Bowl of Harmony”ceremony symbolizing the unity national cultures. Representatives of ten nationalities (Armenia, Buryat, Georgia, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Russia, Tajik, Tatar, Ukraine and Uzbek), solemnly walked onto the stage, each carrying a container with clean water. After consecrating the water by words of prayer, as solemn music played they poured it into the large bowl, the symbolical Chalice of Harmony. Then Timur Gagiev (age 10), George Beridze (age 10) and Artem Saburov (age 5) poured the water onto a Tree of Peace (a myrtle) and handed the chalice to Dmitry Ofitserov, who suggested that the Tree of Peace remain one month with a representative of each nationality until the next International Day of Peace.

The official part of the celebration ended with appointment of new UPF Ambassadors for Peace. Certificates of Ambassador for Peace were handed to Igor Tatarov, president of the Novosibirsk center Earth Is Our Common Home; Rimma P. Zvereva, president of the Siberian Academy of Traditional Culture; Isroil K. Sharipov, president of the NGO Human Rights Center for Tajiks, Angelica S. Zasyadko, president of the NGO School for Growth; and Galina G. Ermolina, representative of the World Parliament of Religions.

The second part of the festivities began with performances by Novosibirsk pop stars, including children. The flying dancer Andrew Verhushin (head of the center "Atmosphere") brilliantly performed the dance "Keeper of the Future." Then danced the outstanding troupe of the modern dance studio "Drive" (choreographer Oksana Tikhomirova). Students of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory, Andrei Konstantinov (saxophone) and Martynas Olyaka (trombone), brilliantly performed world-renowned jazz hits "Yesterday" and "All Good." A winner of the international contest "Golden Palmira" Aygyun Rustamova (teacher Elena Sazykina) sang the song "Question Marks."

Special guests of the event were:
• Grand Prix winner at the Third International Festival of Pop Songs and Chansons "Russian Soul" in Germany, composer and singer, Vadim Yuzhny
• Brilliant singer, winner of the All-Russian competition "Golden Mask", Honored Artist of Russia, operetta star, Veronica Grishulenko
• The youngest peacekeeper, winner of the TV contest "Minute of Fame," the chief drummer, Leon Shilovsky (4 years old)
• TV presenter and holiday manager, Igor Tatarov

After the concert, the president of the Novosibirsk center "Earth Is Our Common Home," Igor Tatarov, read an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in support of the three UN World Forums to be convened in 2017 in Moscow, for approval and adoption of the "Declaration of the Future Generations of the Earth":
• World arts festival for children and young people of all countries of the world
• World convention of spiritual leaders of all faiths
• World congress of the heads of all nations of the earth

Finally, all the people that gathered in the square arranged themselves into living word PEACE.

Organizers of the festival were UPF-Siberia and the Novosibirsk Center "Earth Is Our Common Home."

St. Petersburg

As part of UPF-Eurasia's Baltic Dialogue project, a group of long-distance runners set out from St. Petersburg Sept. 20, 2014 in a super-marathon relay run for peace through neighboring Estonia and Latvia, ending in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Sept. 28. For more details, click here.


In commemoration of the International Day of Peace, the city of Ufa hosted a charity event at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital Sept. 19, 2014. The project was organized by a representative of Lost and Found without Borders "Neteryayka.” (, Julia Muratava. Advisory support in organizing the event was provided Evgeny Skvortsov, representing UPF-Urals.

The children were told about the history of the International Day of Peace and invited to take part in a drawing competition on the theme of peace. Then there was a concert, followed by contests and distribution of gifts. Thanks to the joint efforts of sponsors, the hospital and the children who participated in the competition received gifts.

Here is a report by Julia Muratava:

"The event at the Children's Hospital of Ufa related to the International Day of Peace, was a success! There was a sea of joy, positive, smiles, laughter of children, gifts, balloons, toys, songs, dances, tears of joy and gratitude! In the course of the preparatory work, I met interesting people. Now I know how optimistic our children could be; even in the hospital, they are always ready to rejoice and dance. Partners and associates did their best; they helped in organization of the project by contributing finances and direct participation. In preparation for the event, I had close contacts with Evgeny Skvortsov, an Ambassador for Peace, who helped me a lot. After the event, we decided to establish a tradition of this kind of charitable and educational activities. I am grateful to everyone who helped me in this work for the benefit of children and for contribution to world peace! "


Drum rolls and the spectacular formations of the Joint Drum Orchestra, enchanting performance by young beauties in the support groups, and of course the beautiful game of the best football players of the Krasnoarmeysky district – all these activities awaited the spectators of the Youth Football Tournament related to the International Day of Peace.

For the fourth year, the youth from the teenagers and the youth club "Cosmos," Sport association "Petrel," together with the professionals of the club "Forum," held football tournaments for boys aged 16 and older on the International Day of Peace, Sept. 21. The events are held in the framework of the international project "Play Football for Peace" at the initiative of UPF, together with its partner organizations, to promote a culture of peace and a healthy lifestyle among young people.

Three years ago, Ambassador for Peace Violetta Potylitsina brought this project to Volgograd. The famous slogan "The main thing is not winning, but participation" becomes even more relevant when the boys are playing football for the sake of peace, friendship and everything that is beyond language barriers, national borders and political differences. These tournaments contribute to the further development of youth who never cease to hope that, in spite of adverse social factors, they can achieve good results, both in sports and in life.

At the stadium of school № 71, 12 teams from the Krasnoarmeysky district gathered together to play in the "Cup of Peace 2014" tournament, among them: sports associations Fortuna, Fort, Cosmos, Quarter, Iskra, Petrel, Thunderbird-3, Green Forest, and teams of schools № 38, 71, 75 and 117.

The motto "Play football for peace" in the multinational land of Volgograd is especially meaningful. After all, in many teams there are participants of different nationalities, and they play together inspired by the same idea. Among the best players are: Dmitry Bocharnikov, Shirhan Gamzaev Ilya Sharipov, Rovshan Hasanov, Alex Manzhosov, Tarlan Mamedov, Ivan Novikov, Ravil Rasulov, Nikita Toropygin, Telman Hakobyan Stepan Kondratyev, Ivan Gerasimov and Armen Hurshutyan.

"In football, people are not divided according to nationality. The teams have a goal - to win the Cup of Peace,” says Dmitry Bocharnikov, captain of the Petrel team. “If the players understand each other well, the team will win!"

The Cup of Peace 2014 trophy remained at home. The host team of Petrel (Chair of the Board Potylitsyn V.O.), surpassed all rivals, leaving behind the teams of Green Forest (Chairman of the Board R.Sh. Kuramshin) and Fort (Coach B.F. Baranova).

Assistance in organizing and conducting competitions was given by sports volunteers of the project Team 2018. "We live on the Stormy Petrel trying to involve all of our neighbors in active, healthy lifestyle,” says Maria Medvedeva, an activist of Team 2018. “During the summer, we conducted morning exercises among people of all ages, organized games, sports and playground programs. I am interested in being in the thick of sporting events. Now we are working in the Krasnoarmejskiy area, but in the future I hope we will expand our activity to the level of the country and even the world!"

The Cup of Peace 2014 championship marked the beginning of the project "Football Expectations," the winner in the citywide competition for the best social projects. In the future, players of all ages will experience a lot of poignant moments on the football field, receiving prizes and the admiration of sports fans. The invitation is extended to all to join the legion of football fans!

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