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International Day of Peace Celebrated in Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland - Approximately 80 people took part in a Family and Peace Festival in Zurich on Sept. 21, 2014. After cheers and a toast to peace, UPF’s principles for peace and a video clip about UPF activities throughout the world were presented, portraying the ideal of humanity as one family under God with the same aspirations for lasting peace through harmonious families. 

A panel discussion then gave the opportunity for representatives of different faiths to express their viewpoints on the topic of “Young People as a Beacon of Hope for a Peaceful World?” There was particular emphasis on the individual and collective actions to be taken in order to further peace around us rather than on personal beliefs. 

The feeling that we need each other was further expressed in an interfaith water ceremony in which each faith representative could add the flow of his faith to the common bowl of water. The morning program ended with the appointment of new Ambassadors for Peace and music. 

To the delight of everyone, a wonderful meal was served, and the afternoon program gave all the opportunity to feel joy through young artists performing tai chi, songs, music and dance. The event became an opportunity for all to experience love beyond barriers through freedom, peace, unity and happiness.

The festival was a collaboration between the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the Women's Federation for World Peace and UPF.

For a video of the event, click here.

International Day of Peace 2014 from Universal Peace Federation International

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