Sumgait, Azerbaijan - UPF-Azerbaijan initiated a celebration of the International Day of Peace in Sumgait on Sept. 21, 2014 with a Bike Ride for Peace with participation of cyclists of all ages from Baku and Sumgait as well as members of the Athletic Club of Cyclists of Sumgait.
Before the start of the bike ride, the participants were told about significance of the International Day of Peace and given instructions on the rules and the route. The team of cyclists set out under the leadership of Ghafoor Mustafayev, director of the Athletic Club of Cyclists in Sumgait, and drove along the main streets of the city, finishing in front of the city hall.
Ambassador for Peace Firuza Amirova shared about the history and the purpose of the International Day of Peace. She also emphasized that the participants proceeded smoothly in a column, taking care of each other in dangerous moments, as an expression of peacemaking among the team. Then followed the Good Wishes Relay race: athletes exchanged good wishes with friends.
After the bike ride, the participants went to a cafe to celebrate.
Everyone was very inspired by this project, and the director of the Athletic Club of Cyclists thanked UPF for organizing this educational event, noting the importance of such projects and proposing to expand the scope of future projects of the kind.