Marshall Islands-2014-09-20-International Day of Peace

Majuro, Marshall Islands - The UN International Day of Peace event at the Dar Restaurant in Majuro on Sept. 20, 2014 was a very meaningful, though small, gathering. Participants included a representative from the UN, religious Leaders, former high government officials and business leaders.

The emcee Rev. Ken. Ito, secretary general of UPF-Marshall Islands, gave a brief explanation of the meaning and history of the International Day of Peace.

The first session opened with interfaith prayers led by Mr. Terry Keju, UN representative in Marshall Islands (Roman Catholic); Imam Falah Shams, national president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Muslim); and Hon. Tadashi Lometo, former vice president and minister (Protestant).

Then UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message was read by Mr. Terry Keju, and UPF’s statement was read by Rev. Kenichi Ito. Former President Kessai Note was scheduled to give congratulatory remarks; however, he was unable to attend due to a schedule conflict.

The second session focused on 30 peace quotes, with six people reading five quotes each. These quotes by distinguished global leaders gave insights into the meaning of peace and how to promote peace.

After the coffee break, each dignitary presented his own views about peace:

- Imam Falah Shams: The origin of peace must of course be God. Through cooperation and mutual understanding, peace can be possible.
- Hon. Tadashi Lometo: A difficulty in Marshall Islands is how to harmonize traditional and modern systems.
- Mr. Terry Keju: Peace can be achieved by harmony.
- Hon. Eldon Note: In our society, if peace can be achieved first in our family, then it will be in the society, community and nation.
- Imam M. Joyia: Cooperation between different cultures can promote peace.
- Mr. Joe Talley: How to make harmony between different societies and nations is key to peace.
- Mr. Dean Lajdrik: Peace can be achieved by understanding each other.

Participants adopted the following resolution: "We recognized the importance of peace. However, to achieved peace is not easy task. We will contribute our part to peacemaking by understanding and harmonizing each other."

The gathering terminated with a buffet dinner in a family atmosphere.

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