Durlești, Moldova—High school students created a “Rose Alley for Peace” in their schoolyard in honor of the 2015 International Day of Peace.
More than 250 students, teachers and administrators of Hyperion High School joined with NGO volunteers and local government officials in the service project that took place on September 21, 2015. Students repaired and painted a bus station near the school and planted 400 rosebushes in their schoolyard, launching the Rose Alley of Peace.
The volunteers included representatives of the Moldovan chapter of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP), an organization that is affiliated with UPF.
The key aspect of the action was involving the students not only on that day to raise their awareness about peace but also getting them committed to taking care of the schoolyard flowers year-round, and remember their meaning and value.
Teachers and students became partners for building the partnership for peace and transforming their school into a safe and beautiful environment in which each person feels respect and dignity. This is a precondition for them to become peacebuilders and peacekeepers in their homes, classrooms and school.
The action was covered by two TV channels and National Radio. Thanks to their interest, the message and the example reached a larger audience nationwide.
Peace starts in our own home and our own school. Peace is an attitude of care and initiative to improve things, not just expecting others to move. This example of the students on the UN International Day of Peace is very inspiring.
Another awareness action organized with the teachers and students from Hyperion High School was the establishment of a Pillar of Peace in the center of Durlești. This project was supported by the European Club of teachers from the same school with financial support from the European Union and the Durlești local administration.
Media coverage of the event on: realitatea.md [Language: Romanian]