Pakistan-2017-09-21-Pakistan’s Sindh Province Celebrates International Day of Peace

Sindh Province, Pakistan—The Pakistan chapter of UPF held an event in celebration of the International Day of Peace in the southeast province of Sindh.

The program, which took place on September 21, 2017, began with interfaith prayers, which were offered by representatives of the Christian, Muslim and Hindu faiths. 

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Abdullah Laghari, secretary general of DIYA, a youth non-profit organization located in Ghotki, Sindh province that seeks to “empower youth through education,” first thanked the participants for coming to the event, as well as thanked UPF and the local NGO National Advocacy for Rights of Innocent (NARI) Foundation for supporting the event and its efforts to promote peace in Sindh province. Mr. Laghari then acknowledged the speakers at the event. Among them were:

  • Mr. Anwar Mahar, executive director of the NARI Foundation
  • Ms. Safia Baloch, peace activist
  • Mr. Sayed Naseer-u-Din Shah, deputy director of the social welfare department of the government of Sindh
  • Ms. Arfa Naeem Mangi, youth speaker, and M&E officer at the NARI Foundation
  • Mr. Abdul Sattar Sangejo, reporter with a Sindhi newspaper
  • Mr. Hafiz Ubedullah Lakhan, Islamic scholar

Then, Mr. Laghari spoke about the significance of the International Day of Peace. The Day was established by the UN in 1981 as a day devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples, and is observed annually on September 21. In 2001, the UN designated the Day as also a period of global ceasefire and non-violence.  Peace, he said, is a smile; peace is joy; and peace is also a way of life. Peace is the secret to love and happiness.

Mr. Hafiz Ubedullah Lakhan, an Islamic scholar, who is a member of the Jamiat ul Ulma-e-Islam in Pakistan, talked about the teachings of Islam. It is a religion that emphasizes living in peace and harmony, despite our differences. Peace and the promotion of tolerance is needed and each and every person must fulfill his/her responsibility in creating peace in society, he said. Religious education is indispensable to peace in society, teaching welfare and service to humanity. Unfortunately, the element of terrorism has penetrated religious education, he added.

Mr. Jalal Din Bhayo, a social and peace activist from Sukkur, a town in Sindh province, who works with a local organization, said that all human beings have a need for peace and love, and that we are all here to spread the message of peace and love for humanity. With our efforts, we can create an environment of peace. 

Mr. Sayed Naseer-u-Din Shah, deputy director of the social welfare department of the government of Sindh, spoke of the importance of events like this that promote peace. He said every religion gives a message of peace and that we must give a message of peace to others.

Mr. Abdul Sattar Sangejo, a reporter with a Sindhi newspaper, said that everyone at the event came for peace, and spoke about the issue of global immigration.

Ms. Arfa Naeem Mangi, a youth peace activist who works for a local NGO, said, “Peace starts from our own home. We all can create an atmosphere of peace and establish peace.”

Ms. Safia Baloch, who works for the social welfare department of the government of Sindh, said “let’s…normalize the message of peace.”

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