Peru-2018-09-21-International Day of Peace Observed in Peru

Lima, Peru—To commemorate the UN International Day of Peace 2018, on September 21, UPF-Peru held a forum on "Peace with Security" in the Faustino Sánchez Carrión room of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, with a full house.

The forum began with the singing of Peru’s national anthem by all the attendees, accompanied by the National Police of Peru (PNP) band of musicians. This was followed by a video about UPF and then a reading of the UN Secretary-General’s message for this year’s day, by Mr. Jaime Fernández, secretary general of UPF-Peru.

Gen. Héctor Jhon Caro, vice president of UPF-Peru, welcomed everyone and opened the forum with a message about peace. Dr. Antero Flores Araoz, former president of the Congress of the Republic of Peru and president of IAPP-Peru, emphasized the important work of UPF in the construction of a peaceful world.

Mr. Juan Carlos Dioses Marcos, national coordinator of the Neighborhood Watch Councils, and Mr. Guillermo Bonilla Arévalo, commander of the PNP, spoke about their work over many years to secure a peaceful environment in all parts of the nation.

After the speeches, two dance performances were presented by the cultural associations La Carimba and Brisas del Titicaca.

The event concluded with the appointment of 15 new Ambassadors for Peace, and Gen. Caro closed the forum with words of thanks to all the attendees.

To view a video of the event, please click here.

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