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UPF-Germany Observes International Day of Peace

Germany-2021-09-21-International Day of Peace Observed in Germany

Düsseldorf, Germany—UPF held an event on the topic “Better Recovery for a Just and Sustainable World.”

Sixteen persons attended the event at the Düsseldorf Peace Embassy, and about 20 participated online.

As the moderator, Anja Brina, the co-leader of UPF- Düsseldorf, explained the history of the International Day of Peace, which was established by the United Nations in 1981 as a day to commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace, not only between countries but also among their citizens.

Because the UN General Assembly’s annual session opens on the third Tuesday in September, the same day was chosen for the International Day of Peace when it was established. However, in 2001 the date was changed to September 21.

Following this introduction, economist and author Dr. Joachim F. Reuter offered some thoughts. After a long phase of development during which natural science favored materialism, leaving increasingly less space for spirituality and religion, quantum physics now has opened new possibilities for the unity of faith and reason.

The realization that material is ultimately energy could produce a new awareness about the existence of a transcendental world, Dr. Reuter said. In order to realize a peaceful world, he said, it is necessary to reconcile religion and science and to find a common language. In this way, a just and sustainable world can come about.

Sergio Brina, deputy chair of UPF-Germany and the co-leader of UPF-Düsseldorf, showed a short video from UN Secretary-General António Guterres, giving an impression of life in a sustainable world. Food, for example, should be not only a commodity but a human right, and the expansion of renewable energy should be promoted, the secretary-general said.

Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Brina stated that there should be a better international distribution of vaccines. At present, it appears that Western countries are throwing away unused vaccines, although there is an urgent need in Africa. Bureaucracy is often an obstacle to fair distribution.

He posed two questions to the participants:

  1. “How can I, as an individual, contribute to peace?” There were a variety of answers, such as dealing with each other in a more tolerant and understanding way, and, in the case of family conflicts, giving each other the chance to reconcile.
  2. “What can I personally contribute toward bringing about a more sustainable world?” The answers ranged from ensuring that each person correctly disposes of waste to eating less meat, using less plastic, and buying fair-trade products.

These questions provoked a lively discussion. One certainty emerged: that it is possible for everyone to individually contribute toward peace and sustainability in this world.

Mr. Brina then gave a report about international UPF events such as the Rally of Hope, Think Tank 2022 on the reunification of Korea, and other projects that UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has initiated.

To close, Anja Brina led a meditation during which, at least for a short time, each participant could find inner peace and send positive energy to the world.

(Translated from German by Catriona Valenta.)

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