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UPF-Uruguay Commemorates UN International Day of Peace

Uruguay-2022-09-24-UPF-Uruguay Commemorates UN International Day of Peace 2022

Montevideo, Uruguay—On Saturday, September 24, 2022, UPF-Uruguay held a commemoration of the UN International Day of Peace. The event was centered on interreligious dialogue with the motto: “Vision and Mission of the Different Religious and Spiritual Spheres, with Respect to the Fundamental Value of Peace.”

Rev. Dong Mo Shin, regional director of UPF South America, sent a beautiful video message highlighting the idea that “religions apply, par excellence, the principle of living for the good of others. This ideal constitutes the essence of true love.” On the basis of religious faith, it is possible to become artisans of peace and not just bystanders in a world of evil, war and hatred.”

Welcoming remarks were given by Ms. Marisa Machado, current president of Women’s Federation for World Peace - Uruguay. Our panelists, all prominent leaders, consisted of members of the Mesa de Diálogo Interreligioso y Expresiones Espirituales en Uruguay, an organization created for the fraternal gathering of different religions and expressions of faith in our country.

Mrs. Moraima Pereria, representative of the Asociación Civil Brahma Kumaris en Uruguay, spoke, emphasizing the importance of establishing peace in the heart of each other and overcoming human divisions. The ideal of a World of Peace is born in individual and family peace.

Then, Imam Yousaf Khan, leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Uruguay, spoke highlighting the “aleyas” from the Holy Koran, where it says: “Oh you, the believers, all placed on the side of peace.” The Prophet insistently repeated: “Peace must reign on earth, excluding aggression and oppression.” He spoke about the ritual Muslim greeting: “Peace be upon you,” as one of the pillars of the Islamic faith.

Also sharing his faith and vision, Sr. Cesar Maciel, local president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, highlighted the importance of the family as a School of Peace and social harmony, that peace is closely linked to the solidarity and altruism that we must manifest in our daily lives.

Dr. Sima Baher, representative of the Bahá’í Community in Uruguay, shared some sacred Bahá’í writings full of references to universal peace as “the supreme goal of all humanity.” She believes that, for the first time in history, the entire planet, with all its great variety of peoples, can be seen in a single perspective, indicating that world peace is not only possible, but also inevitable.

Dr. Jerónimo Granados, pastor of the Congregación Evangélica Alemana de Montevideo, also shared his faith and vision. He focused his presentation on the Lutheran tradition of social commitment, especially with the most dispossessed and vulnerable, as the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven. Each community must be a Sign of Peace, lights in the dark, for the world.

Next to speak was Rev. Kazuhiro Tsusaka, president of the Janul Pumonim Sacred Community. He based his exposition on the passage in As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, the autobiography of our True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon: “What I learned about peace while being carried on my father’s back.” This concept allowed us to discover the heart and tradition of the Unification Movement, based on inner peace, on overcoming the fallen nature that makes us enemies of each other.

In closing, Lic. Edgardo Martínez Zimarioff, distinguished Ambassador for Peace and counselor of UPF Uruguay, summarized everything shared by the panelists, highlighting that interfaith dialogue is essential, because without peace between religious communities, peace in the world is impossible. Through dialogue and understanding, acceptance of each other’s traditions and values will be nurtured and intolerance and hatred will be reduced.

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