Kathmandu, Nepal: "Though the children had lost their parents, were missing or had been abandoned by their parents in the streets, they found hope, love and a warm embrace when they came to Aama Ghar (Mothers’ Home)," said Mrs. Dil Shova Shrestha, founder and director of Aama Ghar in Kathmandu, Nepal. She conveyed her heartfelt thanks to the Women's Federation for World Peace-Nepal for their ongoing generous service to the elderly and children.

On March 8, 2013, WFWP-Nepal celebrated International Women’s Day by feeding aged widows, men, women and children displaced by conflict at Aama Ghar in Soltee Mode, Kalimati, Kathmandu. A total of 130 residents including 80 elderly and 50 children were served food that day.

The team of 11 people included five WFWP-Nepal Board members (Mrs. Blessie Dhakal-President, Mrs. Hari Devi Shrestha-Vice President, Mrs. Nila Shrestha-Treasurer, Mrs. Theresia Kittel and Mrs. Rita Pant, board members), two young Filipino women and two Nepali volunteers.

Mrs. Dhakal's daughters Esther and Shimhwa along with Rose Vidal and Michelle Bailador from the Philippines sang a lively English song for the children and elderly people. All residents listened to it and even tried to sing along with them.

This is the fourth time that WFWP-Nepal fed the people of Aama Ghar. In 2009, Dr. Lan Young Moon, the international president of WFWP, led a team of 30 Korean women on a trip to Kathmandu. They cleaned Aama Ghar with the same heart as if it were their own home and fed the residents there. Since then, the Nepali WFWP team has visited Aama Ghar every year and served the elderly and children.

Fourteen years ago Mrs. Dil Shova Shrestha (age 57) opened the doors of her home to those less fortunate. She had been married for 28 years, a rare love marriage in Nepal at that time, when her husband suddenly left her and their 16-year-old daughter. From this shocking experience, she realized that most of the unfortunate elderly women in Nepal are discarded by their family, according to Mrs. Shrestha‘s sister, Rajya Gopali (42), who helps run the home. Mrs. Gopali and Mrs. Shrestha together manage Aama Ghar.

Aama Ghar was officially registered with the Nepal government as an 'Old Age Management and Social Welfare Trust.' It continues running as a home for homeless elderly women with financial support from many quarters, including the Rotary Club, ARTUS (an association of the wives of pilots), the UN, UNICEF, the NIC Foundation (a Nepalese bank), the Women's Federation for World Peace and other international and local agencies.

One of the orphans said, "I received so much love. My friends here in Aama Ghar have always taught me good things and accepted me as their own little brother, so I will study hard to speak English well."

A mother said, " I am thankful for this team (WFWP) which comes every year and feeds all of us healthy food. God will bless your organization because of all the love and service you give us."

Such experiences are opportunities to share brotherly and sisterly love. The children observed an example of respect for their elders as food was served first to the elderly. The volunteers were inspired to see how the residents cared for their belongings and queued up in an orderly manner when it was time to eat.

Those who invested their time and resources for the sake of others received much joy and inspiration in return.

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