Buenos Aires, Argentina - Women were recognized for their contributions in different areas in the celebration of their International Day by UPF-Argentina and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) on March 13 in Buenos Aires. The meeting included speeches, artistic performances, cake cutting, and a toast as a tribute to all women.
{besps}/images/ftp_uploads/2014/argentina/5675{/besps}Vocation for service
The women who were honored included Pastor Edith Noemí Paredes, “for her social commitment for women and children in situation of violence, for raising awareness about this issue to evangelic churches and the community, fostering the development of laws and strategies which can contribute to the solution of this painful social issue”; Professor Stella Maris Arzuaga, “for her vocation for service to the community, her commitment to teaching, her adventurous spirit and commitment to historical research, offering an important contribution of the release of local and regional culture with a deep patriotic spirit”; and the President of the Housewives League, Consumers and Users from Argentina, Ms. Irma Muñoz Muslera, “for her arduous work as head of the entity, for the protection of the family, health, prevention of violence against women, education about responsible consumption, advising old people, and taking care of the environment.”
Also Ms. Susana Beatriz Bührer, developer of values education campaigns and director of the Rotary International, “for her vocation for service to the community, her investment in solidarity and educative works in Argentina and other countries, her commitment in the promotion of values through training workshops for teachers, parents, and society in general. For promoting friendship as a foundation of the teamwork, cooperation, social integration, bringing people together, and the establishment of a universal culture of peace”; Dr. Alicia Bibiana Berini, “for her professional performance as a mediator and a psychologist consultant, for her investment in the promotion of a culture of peace in different activities related to the community development and solidarity work, highlighting her special collaboration in the initiative “A Shared Christmas: A Committed Community”, from the Nordelta Foundation (Las Tunas, Tigre), and her different programs.
Moreover, Ms. Hiroko Kimura, who was given recognition before she went back to Japan, “for sacrificing and investing herself as a messenger, working in different countries of the world, carrying out the vision of a global family under God. For supporting the WFWP- Argentina while living in this nation, for his mother’s heart, for supporting all out efforts and progresses”.
Never stop
At the beginning, there were speeches about the International Women’s Day by Mr. Miguel Werner, Secretary General of UPF-Argentina, and Ms. Rosetta Conti de Castellón, President of WFWP-Argentina, who talked about the vision and work of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder, along with her husband, of the WFWP and the UPF International. At the end, Mr. Carlos Varga, President of the Family Federation for World Peace-Argentina, greeted all the guests, and especially the women.
The artistic performances started with Ms. Yuko Minagawa, who unexpectedly performed the famous song “Bésame mucho” with a traditional Japanese instrument, koto, and then a group of Japanese volunteers sang “Sakura.” Afterwards, “Gemeinschaft OKB,” a group of friends and amateurs with Austrian, German, and Swiss origin, amused everyone with their cheerful melodies. They spread the culture in this country with passion.
The most important and emotional moment of the event was, undoubtedly, the recognition of the women who, apart from the diploma, also received a delicate flower bouquet. All of them, who stayed on the stage for the cake cutting and the toast, expressed their gratitude and their vocation for service with emotion and simplicity, which were related to their work and the values they promote. They were encouraged for their investment and daily commitment to the work with a reflection from Mother Teresa of Calcutta:
Always keep in mind that your skin will wrinkle,
and that your hair will go white,
and that your days will become years...
But the most important thing never changes,
your strength of will and your convictions don't have an age limit.
Your spirit is like a feather duster to wipe away the cobwebs.
After every arrival there is a leaving.
After every accomplishment there is another challenge.
While you are alive, feel that you are alive.
When you are feeling sorry for yourself about what you used to be able to do, do something new.
Don't live surrounded by the yellowed photos of yesterday.
Continue forward, even though you feel abandoned by others.
Don't let rust take away the steel that is in you.
Behave in a way that others respect you, not pity you.
When, due to your years, you cannot run, trot.
When you can no longer trot, walk.
When you can no longer walk, grab a cane and keep on going...
But never stop!
The idea of instituting an International Women’s Day comes from the 20th century, during industrialization, population explosion, and development of ideologies. Different milestones were made about the claims made by women to promote equal rights with men in different working, social, and political aspects. In the International Women’s Day in 1975, the United Nations established March 8th as a celebration day, reaffirming the equality with men, with this contribution made for peace, and social and worldwide progress.
“In this International Women’s Day, we are highlighting the importance of achieving equality for women and girls not simply because it is a matter of fairness and fundamental human rights, but because progress in so many other areas depends on it. - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for International Women’s Day 2014
“Even if we disagree with racial disagreements, violence, conflicts between the rich and the poor, the destruction of the environment, or the selfishness of countries and peoples; we will only find the solutions to the world problems when we are trained in the environment of the ideal family which practices true love; in other words, a love which sacrifices itself for the sake of others.” - Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, cofounder of UPF and WFWP