Lisbon, Portugal - In celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, 2014, the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), in partnership with the Association AVA (“Life Loves Me”) and UPF, held a conference with the theme: "Women: Family, Career and Society.”
In the first panel discussion, moderated by Ambassador of Peace Dr. Manuel Gomes, the first presentation, on the theme “Identity and Value of Women” was presented by the president of WFWP-Portugal, Dr. Marta de Carvalho, who spoke about vision of the founders of UPF and WFWP, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Speaking on “Women in Education.” Prof. Carolina Pereira described historical differences in career paths of men and women. The first panel ended with a short discussion.
In the second panel, moderated by Ambassador of Peace Prof. Cristina Pêssego, the first presentation was about “The Dawning of a New Woman,” by Dr. Maria Candida Campos, President of AVA and an Ambassador for Peace since 2006. She spoke about self esteem, personal development and creating harmonious relationships between men and women. Dr. Ana Pedro talked about her experiences and how, with the help of some key people in her life, she discovered new potentials in herself.
The theme “Guinea Women in the Development and Citizenship Process” was presented by Dr. Avelino Ferreira, who spoke on the situation in his own country, where women live on the margins, without rights or respect. Then Dr. Sérgio Vieira, UPF representative, spoke about the increase of physical, moral and sexual violence against women and families, noting high rates of divorce and child abuse. He then presented a vision of the complementarity of men and women.
Following a short discussion and the appointment of three new Ambassadors for Peace, the event ended with all participants singing the Michael Jackson song “Heal the World” and the usual socializing.