Buenos Aires, Argentina—On March 15, the Argentina chapter of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) celebrated International Women’s Day 2018 by honoring seven women for their values. The event was held on El Templete, in Parque de los Patricios, Buenos Aires. It was organized by the UPF-Argentina and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) of Argentina, and it was supported by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Tourism, and Services from Argentina’s Parque de los Patricios (Social and Cultural Responsibility Department).
The honored women were Gioconda Albesi de Sosa Migoya, Giovanna Campos, Graciela Mabel Cañete, Cristina Elena Desiderio, Liliana Hernández, Marta Lescano, and Nélida Rosa Pareja (1). The seven women received a certificate, the Autobiography A Peace-Loving Global Citizen, and the Anthology Paz en el corazón y luz para el mundo, which includes a selection of poems that have been awarded at the seventh edition of the International Poetry Contest organized by UPF-Argentina. Also, each woman received flowers.
At the opening, Horacio Daboul, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Tourism, and Services from Parque de los Patricios, read a summary of the UN message for the International Women’s Day 2018 (2). Mr. Daboul, an Ambassador for Peace and a respected person in his neighborhood, thanked the hosts for choosing this venue. Next, Rosetta Conti, president of WFWP Argentina, shared a few words (3). She also read an excerpt from the message given on April 10, 2002, by Dr. Hak Ja Han, UPF and WFWP co-founder, “World Peace and the Role for Women” (4). Additionally, we shared “I am Light,” a very powerful song that thrilled the audience.
After the recognitions and speeches, the poet, pastor, and UPF Global and Local Peace Council member Alba Rosa Contardo shared one of her poems, “Cada mujer, una historia” (5). The event included a musical number by the Young Peace Ambassadors for Peace Kotoe Ainai, Hitomi Kageyama, and Motomi Hirai, who performed “Shimauta” and “Caminos de mi tierra.”
At the end, the gathering acknowledged Gladys Carolina Romero, president of Commune 4, the area where the event was held. The certificate was delivered by Dora Lizarraga, Assistant Manager of the Local Participation Area. Afterwards, all the honored women were invited to make a toast along with the organizing entities, sponsors, supporting organizations, and partners. Here, they could express their feelings and thoughts on the celebration. The event concluded in a cheerful environment after everyone had a light meal.
Supporters of this event were the Liaison Unit of the Security and Crime Prevention Council – Ministry of Justice and Security – Government of the City of Buenos Aires; Marina Mercante University (UdeMM); Civil Association “Acercando Naciones;” Pacis Nuntii Movement; Africa House in Argentina; the radio program “Esperanza Argentina y global;” and “Sólo Periodismo” – Comunicadores No Videntes.
Videos of each part of the event may be found on YouTube under the heading “Día Internacional de la Mujer 2018 UPF/WFWP Argentina.”
1) Honorees:
Prof. Gioconda Albesi de Sosa Migoya: “For her longstanding experience in education, museology, paleontology, research, arts, and other professions, all of them performed with responsibility and service vocation. For her contribution to domestic and international culture. For committing to the common good and for providing her knowledge to different institutions, particularly in Parque de los Patricios.”
Mrs. Giovanna Campos: “For opening her house in Lomas de Zamora to deliver aid and shelter to poor children and families at social risk. For providing a healthy space to give food, to listen, and to encourage others. All her effort and generosity, with support from her family, has allowed “Caritas Alegres” to become a legal kindergarten that can receive more than 80 children.”
Mrs. Graciela Mabel Cañete: “Social worker and mother who has provided milk to poor children from Parque de Morón since 1998. From such initiative, she created a soup kitchen for more than 120 children. Her work was supported by her numerous family, which included two adopted children who are now teenagers. She has remained true to her mission since then, her motto being: ‘We can always give something to others, especially if we do it with love’.”
Dr. Cristina Elena Desiderio: “For 40 years of dedication and service vocation in the field of health, beginning in the José Penna Hospital as a dermatologist. Since 2014, she is Deputy Director medical officer in the same hospital from Parque de los Patricios, after she became Medical Chief (1996) and Technical Department Chief (2002).”
Mrs. Liliana Hernández: “For her service vocation and collaboration in various entities, promoting culture and values. For her commitment, fellowship, leadership, and empathy to bring about an inclusive citizenship and a new culture of public service, for which she integrates the Ambassadors Network of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires. For providing her knowledge and academic background to coordinate public and private organisms, applying innovative ideas and promoting culture.”
Prof. Marta Lescano: “For her important efforts in education and community work, for her contribution in domestic and international entities by promoting participation and culture of coexistence. She channels knowledge, experiences, teamwork, and good practices through FEPAIS Foundation. Being the Chair of such foundation, she seeks to develop an ethical, empathic, and collaborative society for the realization of group projects, based on formal and non-formal community education, and with diverse organizations and communities.”
Prof. Nélida Rosa Pareja: “For her longstanding experience and commitment in various institutions, for contributing to the history and protection of the Buenos Aires City heritage. For this reason, she was recognized as “Buenos Aires historian 2015,” an award given by the City Legislature. For her contribution to culture, research, academic work, and writing aimed at understanding the history and identity of the “small homeland.” Currently, she is President of the Central Board of Historical Studies of the City of Buenos Aires.”
2) Excerpts of the message given by UN Secretary General António Guterres:
More than a billion women around the world lack legal protection against domestic sexual violence. The global gender pay gap is 23 percent, rising to 40 percent in rural areas, and the unpaid work done by many women goes unrecognized. Women’s representation in national parliaments stands, on average, at less than one quarter, and in boardrooms it is even lower. Without concerted action, millions more girls will be subjected to genital mutilation over the next decade.
At this crucial moment for women’s rights, it is time for men to stand with women, listen to them and learn from them. Transparency and accountability are essential if women are to reach their full potential and lift all of us, in our communities, societies and economies. I am proud to be part of this movement, and I hope it continues to resonate within the United Nations and around the world.
3) Excerpts of the remarks given by Mrs. Rosetta Conti, president of WFWP Argentina:
It is true… We are an expression of our Creator’s light. As written in the Genesis, God created mankind in his own image, male and female he created them, each representing a different aspect of His divine light.
And what is more important than that? What other reasons do we need to affirm who we are or who we must be as women? To become a light does not imply we should only be treated equally after a long history of injustice, which is correct; it means we should also find the light of our identity within ourselves and make it shine as love and life. Only we, women, can do that.
Therefore, after recognizing ourselves and upholding our value as women, the next step is to play the role we are supposed to in society.
4) Excerpts of words given by Dr. Hak Ja Han, co-founder of UPF and WFWP International:
A culture of peace will be established across the globe. When this happens, the precious role of women who are grounded in the love of God will be recognized as absolutely essential to the family and, hence, to the society, nation and world.
That is because women play a sacred role that is both civic and lineal. We carry the future of humanity in our wombs; we give birth to and nurture the unlimited potential of human beings. If the role of mothers is ignored, where will we find human hope and prospects for the future?
Inspired and enlightened women motivated from within are leading movements for national reformation and social restoration in each nation across the globe. These movements are creating a foundation of hope throughout the world.
The world of peace is not initiated on the global or even national level. Peace must first be realized in the individual and in the family, because these form the basis for all human organizations and systems. Central issues of world peace essentially depend on the question of how peace can be realized within the individual and the family.
5) Poem:
Una vida, un proceso
un aletear de paloma
y mariposas por dentro.
Generación de mujeres
que tienen un nuevo aliento
caminando hacia la meta
volviendo a soñar sus sueños
como águilas, volando alto.
Ya pasamos el desierto,
tempestades y ciclones.
Firmes, de pie; trascendiendo.
Árboles de frutos dulces
o rosas en el invierno
no nos detiene el temor.
Historia vamos haciendo
con cantos de Amor y Paz
para seguir sosteniendo
la bandera de la vida
y el perfume del renuevo.
Cada mujer, una historia
con su esencia, influyendo.
Raíces fuertes y firmes
preparadas y creciendo.
Hay una fuente que tiene
elixir del tiempo nuevo.
La primavera se acerca
lo bueno está viniendo.
Cada mujer, una historia
que nos va fortaleciendo
cada una en su lugar
¡Todos los días son nuestros!
Unidas en la misión
sumando y construyendo
recuperando el Linaje
¡Algo está sucediendo!
Somos las protagonistas
de lo que está aconteciendo.
El diluvio, ya pasó
¡La paloma está volviendo!
Dedicated to all women with love!
Pastor and poet Alba Contardo
UPF Peace Ambassador