UN International Day of Peace
Each year on September 21, the UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities and commemorate the International Day of Peace through education and public awareness on issues related to peace. In the quest for peace, UPF and its Ambassadors for Peace around the world organize commemorations of the International Day of Peace each year.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Winners of the eighth International Poetry Contest, organized each year by UPF-Argentina, were announced on September 20.
- Written by: UPF-Cameroon
Yaoundé, Cameroon—International Day of Peace 2016 was the occasion for Ambassadors for Peace to reflect on how they can bring lasting peace to Cameroon.
- Written by: Professor Jabu Solly Maseko, secretary general, UPF-South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa—Constructing a peace blueprint by which different groups join in building a nonviolent South Africa was the focus of a dialogue seminar.
- Written by: Jacques Marion, president, UPF-France
Paris, France—“Brotherhood and Religion” was the theme of an interreligious forum held to mark the 2016 International Day of Peace.
- Written by: Lluis Babi, director, UPF-Andorra
Ordino, Andorra—UPF-Andorra celebrated the 2016 International Day of Peace under the theme “Play Football Make Peace.”
- Written by: UPF International
The Universal Peace Federation is proud to support the United Nations International Day of Peace 2016 dedicated to the theme "The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace."
- Written by: UPF-Austria
Vienna, Austria—In honor of International Day of Peace, an innovative event will be held at the United Nations’ offices in Vienna on September 16, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Written by: Miguel Werner, secretary general, UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—“Peace as the Protection of the Creation” is the theme of the UPF-Argentina’s eighth annual International Poetry Contest, which runs from May 8 – July 31.
- Written by: UPF-Japan
Kanagawa, Japan—UPF-Japan together with the volunteer group TANPOPO commemorated the UN International Day of Peace by organizing a beach cleanup.
- Written by: UPF-International
A powerpoint report of Universal Peace Federation activities during the International Day of Peace 2015.
- Written by: Andrew Halim, UPF-New Zealand
Parnell, New Zealand—UPF-New Zealand observed the 2015 International Day of Peace by holding a special forum on the current global issue of refugees.
- Written by: Rev. Noël Mathias Salogba, secretary general, UPF-CAR
Bangui, Central African Republic—UPF observed International Day of Peace 2015 by welcoming as new Ambassadors of Peace 43 leaders of an armed militia.
- Written by: Dr. Raphael Ogar Oko, secretary general, UPF-Nigeria
Port Harcourt, Nigeria—The government of Rivers State has pledged to partner with UPF-Nigeria on peacebuilding programs in the state and around the Niger Delta.
- Written by: Genie Kagawa, director, UPF Executive Office
New York, United States—The International Day of Peace 2015 was celebrated at the United Nations by a coalition of UN NGO committees and NGOs.
- Written by: UPF-Nicaragua
León, Nicaragua—UPF commemorated the UN International Day of Peace 2015 with two events in Nicaragua.
- Written by: Rev. Kenichi Ito, president, UPF-Marshall Islands
Majuro, Marshall Islands—In the Republic of the Marshall Islands the UN International Day of Peace was observed with interfaith ceremonies and prayers.
- Written by: Chiara Zonato, UPF-Italy
Monza, Italy—On the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace, UPF held a conference on the theme "Peace Education: Nourishment of Conscience."
- Written by: Hannu Hassinen, chair, UPF-Finland
Helsinki, Finland—A discussion of the current European refugee crisis was the focus of Finland’s observance of the International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF-China
Taipei, Taiwan—UPF organized the Cross-Strait Peace Forum in observance of the UN International Day of Peace.
- Written by: UPF-Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador—UPF celebrated the UN International Day of Peace in Ecuador with events in the country’s capital, Quito, and Guayaquil, a city in Guayas province.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—Una celebración artística-cultural-interreligiosa fue el marco de la entrega de la séptima edición de premios del Concurso Poético Internacional que organiza anualmente UPF Argentina en adhesión al Día Internacional de la Paz.
- Written by: UPF-Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina celebrated the UN International Day of Peace with an artistic, cultural and interreligious event, where awards for the seventh annual International Poetry Contest were given.
- Written by: Philbert Seka, secretary general, UPF-Côte d’Ivoire
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire—To honor the International Day of Peace, UPF held a conference under the theme “Partnership for Peace and Citizenship Responsibility.”
- Written by: Karsten Nielsen, UPF-Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark—UPF-Denmark celebrated the UN International Day of Peace in the Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish parliament.