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UPF-Peru Celebrates UN International Women’s Day

Peru-2021-03-18-UPF-Peru Celebrates UN International Women’s Day


PeruOn March 18, 2021, UPF-Peru chapter held a celebration for UN International Women's Day 2021. The forum was sponsored by the office of Congressman Orestes Sánchez Luis and the Peru chapter of the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP). More than 300 participants joined the broadcast.

The forum brought together six leaders who shared their thoughts and experiences about how to inspire women to be leaders in building peace in family, community, national and global levels.

As part of the program, 23 new Ambassadors for Peace were appointed. Among them were academics and society leaders, committed to promote peace initiatives and social service work benefitting those most in need. Likewise, a special recognition was given to 11 members of UPF-Peru’s Presidential Council for their outstanding work during the 2018–2021 period. As well, special recognition was given to a group of women Ambassadors for Peace by the office of Congressman Orestes Sánchez Luis. Mr. Jaime Fernández, secretary general of UPF-Peru, led the event.

Dr. Trevor Jones (President, UPF-Peru) gave the opening remarks. He highlighted the work of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founder of UPF and other organizations, who is currently carrying out global initiatives, such as the editions of Rally of Hope and initiatives for the peaceful reunification of Korea, among others, for the establishment of a unified world of peace.

Subsequently, Mr. Elías del Carpio Gómez gave some words on behalf of Congressman Orestes Sánchez Luis. He spoke about the importance of promoting public policies and laws in favor of the vindication and empowerment of women in all spheres of society, in order to build a more equal and peaceful world. Likewise, he highlighted the fundamental role of women in solving the great challenges of these times, such as the COVID-19 crisis.

Ms. Liz Quispe Santos, founder of Huarmis, a Latin American women’s community, read the message from the UN secretary general for Women's Day 2021, whose theme, “Women Leaders: For an Equal Future in the World of COVID-9,” is a "clamor for the Equality Generation, in order to achieve an equal future for all."

For her part, Ms. Liliana Del Carmen La Rosa Huertas, national dean of the Peruvian College of Nurses and former minister of Development and Social Inclusion, gave a message on how to deal with challenges stemming from inequalities. The panelist emphasized the importance of establishing public policies in favor of equity, peace, justice and access to a social protection system that guarantees the rights of all citizens, especially women.

Lawyer Luz Contreras Otiniano, former assessor to the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion, gave her thoughts about the role of women in society, recognizing the efforts made by women and girls around the world in order to establish a more equal world and to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. She also highlighted the work of Dr Hak Ja Han Moon and her efforts to solve the world's great problems.

Ms. Erika Rubí Paredes Neyra, member of the Peruvian Science, Technology and Gender Network, spoke about the importance of developing national plans that address the prevention of violence against women and the promotion of equity. Digital education, facilitating access to basic services and strengthening networks are vital in order to reduce the equality gap and empowering women, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Subsequently, Mrs. María del Rosario López Balcona, president of WFWP-Peru, shared with the audience the fundamental role of women for the establishment of a good society and a world of peace through an attitude of service and respect for others. She finished her speech by inviting the audience to learn more about the life and work of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her desire to give love to the world by reading her memoir.

The event featured an artistic presentation by Mr. Homero del Peru, an Ambassador for Peace who dedicated a song to the attendees.

The event finished with closing acknowledgement remarks from Mr, Elías del Carpio Gómez and Dr Trevor Jones, who thanked the speakers and the audience for their attendance and invited them to participate in upcoming UPF events and activities.

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