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Service Programs

To cultivate the spirit of one family under God, UPF offers disaster relief and organizes service projects such as caring for public spaces, supporting access to education, promoting good health, and providing medical supplies.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan - The public organization "Refugees’ Children and Vulnerable Citizens" and UPF hosted a meeting on October 25 during the visit to Dushanbe of Danielle Mane, mother of Karine Mane, a volunteer with the international humanitarian organization "Doctors without Borders" who was killed during the civil war in Tajikistan in 1997.

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Pokrovskoye, Russia - On October 23, another in the series of volunteer initiatives in the Urals, "City Supports Village: Pokrovskoye," took place. Multilateral cooperation, volunteer service, cultural programs, and interaction among the generations are main features of the initiative; all these elements were present that Saturday.

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Auburn, Australia - The Sapphire Function Centre in Auburn NSW was the scene of UPF's Living for Others Awards on October 2. It honored people who have distinguished themselves in different areas through their extraordinary and selfless acts of giving.

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Utrecht, Netherlands - Character development and community partnerships should be key factors in development aid, according to a Ghanaian NGO leader addressing a UPF-Netherlands conference on September 19 in Utrecht. A professor at the Maastricht School of Management cited statistics about aid and concerns of donor nations.

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Anzio and Aprilia, Italy - Two UPF medical clinics will open in Italy to serve immigrants and low-income Italians: a smaller one in Aprilia and a bigger one in Anzio.

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Dushanbe, Tajikistan - Ambassadors for Peace visited a residence for elderly veterans Sept. 5, 2010, to present a program of music, distribute personal gifts, and give cows and she-goats.

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Tursunzoda, Tajikistan - Ambassadors for Peace of Tajikistan held their quarterly meeting at a home for elderly and handicapped people in the town of Tursunzoda on August 8. Along with caring hearts, they brought gifts of music, food, and humanitarian goods.

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Slyudyanka, Russia - The annual Lake Baikal Project July 1-Aug 6, 2010 included a workshop on volunteerism, ecological projects and walking along the tourist path from the Slyudyanka Mountain to Chersky Peak.

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Tejarcillos, Costa Rica - Volunteers renovated facilities of the Light for the Nations Foundation and apartments for the elderly in an impoverished community on the outskirts of Costa Rica's capital city of San Jose July 7-19, 2010.

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Washington, DC, USA - The UPF office in Washington, DC, is partnering with District of Columbia Department of Health, Project WISH (Women Into Staying Healthy) Program to promote breast and cervical cancer awareness, screening, and health education to minority women in the District of Columbia and its suburbs.

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Moscow, Russia - The Moscow office of the UN Environment Programme sent a letter in support of UPF-Russia's annual Baikal Lake youth training program, which combines service projects with spiritual development.

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Cap-Hatian, Haiti - This year's Haiti Summer Service Project took place from June 21 to 30. Once again a team traveled from the US to Cap-Haitian and worked with Mayor Fritz Joseph holding medical clinics and teaching disaster prevention and response.

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